- He wormed out of giving a lecture that afternoon. 那天下午他把做讲座的差事推卸掉了。
- She is going to give a lecture on American Verse. 她要做一个关于美国诗歌的讲座。
- The professor will give a lecture of geographical features. 教授将要做关于地理特征的讲座。
- When I was giving a lecture,he interposed me. 当我正在讲课的时候,他打断了我。
- When I was giving a lecture ,he interposed me . 当我正在讲课的时候,他打断了我。
- He gave a lecture on the use of solar energy. 他就太阳能的利用作了一场讲演。
- When I was giving a lecture , he interposed me . 当我正在讲课的时候,他打断了我。
- I am nervous about giving a lecture. 做讲演我很紧张。
- I am asked to give a lecture tomorrow. 我被要求明天做一次讲演。
- You shall not take liberty when you give a lecture. 你讲课时不应该太随便。
- I am afraid you are required to give a lecture. 恐怕您得做一次演讲。
- Prof. Smith do not give a lecture today. 史密斯教授今天没上课。
- We had her up here last term to give a lecture. 我们上学期请她上这里来讲过课。
- I felt flattered at being asked to give a lecture. 承蒙邀请来演讲,我深感荣幸。
- You should not take liberties when you are giving a lecture. 你讲课时不应该太随便。
- Prof. Smith did not give a lecture today . 史密斯教授今天没上课。
- Dr Wang will give a lecture on astronomy. 王博士将讲演天文学。
- The linguist is going to give a lecture tomorrow. 那位语言学家明天要做报告。
- He will give a lecture on the history of the Party. 他将作关于党史的讲课。
- Prof. Smith does not give a lecture today. 史密斯教授今天没上课