- Soros has the advantage of an insider's knowledge of the workings of global capitalism, so his criticism is particularly pointed. 索罗斯具有业内人士的优势,了解全球资本主义的运行,因此他的批评会受到特别关注。
- Dirlik, A., Afterf the Revolution: Waking to Global Capitalism, Hanover: Wesleyan University Press, 1994. 贝斯特和凯尔纳:《后现代转向》;陈刚等译;南京大学出版社2002年版.
- George Soros Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism (2000, Little, Brown &Co. 《开放社会:全球资本主义大革新》,乔治?索罗斯/著,柯雷/译,联经出版公司,2001。
- "CEOs and boards used to look at us as renegades;and now we are regarded as the lubricants of global capitalism. 总的说来,无可争议的是,在自然资源以及其他工业领域,国有制的缺点多于优点。
- Soros has the advantage of an insider's knowledge of the workings of global capitalism,so his criticism is particularly pointed. 索罗斯具有业内人士的优势,了解全球资本主义的运行,因此他的批评会受到特别关注。
- Well, I'm a social democrat reformist and a believer in free trade and global capitalism so the choice you offer is a false one. 12是的,我是一个社会民主党改革者,同时我也信奉自由贸易和全球资本主义,所以你提供的选择是错误的。
- Soros has the advantage of an insider’s knowledge of the working of global capitalism, so his criticism is particularly pointed. 索罗斯具有业内人士的优势,了解全球资本主义的运行,因此他的批评会受到特别关注。
- Memories of Soviet crimes are fading, America's stock is falling and the injustices of global capitalism make an increasingly easy target. 有关苏联罪恶的记忆正在褪去,美国股市在下跌,全球资本主义的各种不公正越来越轻易地成为靶子。
- GLOBAL capitalism has worked many wonders, but where in the free world can one see 10,000 children dancing in synchronisation, dressed as eggs? 资本主义全球化创造了诸多奇迹,但在这样一个自由世界里,哪里竟然还会有一万个孩子装扮成蛋的模样,整齐划一地跳舞的事情发生呢?
- The problem originated from man's oversized ego and ignorance.With the end of the cold war, communism collapsed.People thought the era of global capitalism had arrived. 问题发韧于人类的狂妄无知,当冷战结束后,共产阵营崩溃,人们以为资本主义全球化的大时代即将来临。
- The reemergence of class analysis, except in certain instances, continues the discourse of depoliticization, preempting possible criticism of China's transition to global capitalism. 现在对阶级分析的重现,除了一小部分之外,同样延续了去政治化的话语,消解了对中国向全球资本主义转型的可能的批评。
- Throughout the paper the neoliberal globalization is perceived as a new phase of global capitalism which is both external and internal to Taiwan society. 从头到尾,本文将新自由主义全球化视为资本主义的最新发展阶段,因而既是外在更是内在于台湾社会的重要现象。
- With the trend of globalized capitalism and the revival of nationalism, dramatic changes of national identify and the citizenship are predictable. 随著资本主义全球化及种族意识的复兴趋势,公民认同与权利意识势必将大幅度转变。
- Global capital and talent have flocked there and it now has plenty of dwellers who do not speak Shanghainese. 上海吸引到了全球资本和人才,现在的上海,不会讲上海话的“上海人”比比皆是。
- Another reason for choosing London was to take advantage of the excellent access to global capital markets. 选择伦敦作为其总部的另一个原因是利用了其作为全球资本市场的优势。
- "In the global capital markets is not an ideal situation, TMT industry this change is indeed commendable. “在全球资本市场情况并不理想的状况下,TMT行业出现这种变化的确难能可贵。”
- As a result, the world's biggest exchanges are vying as never before for a share of highly mobile global capital. 结果,世界上那些最大的金融交易市场对那些高度流动的国际资金的竞争也是前所未有的。
- He was always preaching the virtues of capitalism. 他总是宣传资本主义的长处。
- The logic of capital expands to the scale of global and the global capital gains the extraterritoriality. 在这种资本全球化的冲击下,民族国家的结构和功能开始出现崩解的迹象,表现为:国家与民族的分离、国家与主权的分离、国家与福利的分离。
- TMX Group provides growth-oriented cleantech issuers with a dynamic market to access North American and global capital. TMX集团为成长型清洁技术发行人提供了一个连接北美和全球资本的活跃的市场。