- International law treats outer space as a global common, akin to the high seas. 国际法规定,外层空间与公海类似,是全球共有的。
- Everyone is downwind or downstream from everybody( principle of the global commons). 每个人都处在他人的下游或下风。
- These proposals have different emphases but share a philosophy: long-term orientation, multilateralism and protection of the "global commons. 这些提议虽然侧重点不同,但是,理念确是相同的。那就是,以着眼长期、多边主义和保护“全球生态系统”为宗旨。
- To catalyse and scale up capital toward low-carbon solutions, a global fund could be created with the sole purpose of financing projects that protect the global commons. 为了促进和扩大流向低碳解决方案的资本,我们可以建立一个全球基金,该基金的唯一宗旨是为保护全球生态系统的项目提供融资。
- According to the UN Secretary-General Annan's report, road traffic injury is already becoming global common health crisis. 根据联合国秘书长安南的报告,道路交通伤害已经成为全球性的公共健康危机。
- Equally important are maintenance of a prosperous world economy, management of the rise of new great powers, economic development, not least in the Islamic world, and management of the global commons. 同样重要的是维持全球经济繁荣、应对新生强国的崛起、发展经济(包括在伊斯兰世界),以及管理全球的共同利益。
- Only the global common model and global data operation can be saw by the user, and the actual data operations are separated into sub-operations according to data sources, then the results are returned to users by integrated system. 在客户端,用户看到的只是一个全局公共模型和全局的数据操作; 在集成系统内部,实际的用户数据操作被集成系统分解为针对各数据源的子操作,子操作结果再由集成系统汇总返回给用户。
- The Davos Forum in the summer as the most important one of the major issues, "Going Global" strategy as a national corporate globalization common theme. 作为此次夏季达沃斯论坛最重要的一大议题,“走向全球”被视为各国企业全球化战略共同的主旋律。
- Knowledge without common sense counts for little. 光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。
- As for the globalization common linguistic environment establishment, is constructs the construction calligraphy esthetics is an international discipline basic step. 至于全球化共同语境的建立,更是建构书法美学为一国际性学科的基本步骤。
- He made a statement before the House of Commons. 他在下议院当众发表了一个声明。
- Salt is a common food preservative. 盐是一种常用的食物防腐剂。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。
- David's house is quite close to the Global Theater. 大卫的家离环球剧院很近。
- Huxley, I feel, has much in common with Wells. 我觉得赫胥黎和威尔士有很多共同之处。
- Rabbits and foxes are common in Britain. 兔子和狐狸在英国很常见。
- A motion was passed by the Commons yesterday. 昨天下议院通过了一个动议。
- She finally got used to the commons. 她终於习惯了共餐食物。
- All the countries united to fight global recession. 所有的国家团结一致对抗全球性的不景气。