- Since then it has mutated into a global crisis. 那以后,就逐渐演变成了全球性的危机。
- The President was calm throughout the global crisis. 在这全球危机整个过程中,总统一直保持平静
- We are advised to boost domestic demand amid global crisis to sustain growth. 我们得到的建议是,要在全球危机的背景下保增长,需要扩大内需。
- This was a "global crisis", he argued, which merited a "global response". 他认为,这是一场"全球危机",应当得到"全球回应"。
- This was a “global crisis”, he argued, which merited a “global response”. 他谈到,这是一次全球性的危机,应采取全球性的应对方式。
- No one imagined that an economy as small as Thailand's could spark a global crisis. 没有人能想象到一个象泰国经济这样小的经济体竟可以引发一场全球危机。
- "The global crisis will certainly have an impact for these bottom billion," Scholtes said. 他说:“目前的全球危机显然将对这些处于底层的数十亿人造成影响。
- China should, therefore, avoid misreading the lessons from the present global crisis. 因此,中国应该避免误读目前全球金融危机带来的教训。
- The global crisis could be expected to affect the "stability of communities and families", according to Saraceno. 萨拉瑟诺说,全球金融危机还会影响到“社区和家庭的稳定”。
- Denmark's Prime Minister Rasmussen says the cartoon controversy has ballooned into a global crisis. 丹麦首相拉斯穆森说,对漫画的争议已经扩展成为全球危机。
- UN Secretary General B says the steeply rising price for food has developed into a global crisis. 联合国秘书长潘基文说快速上涨的食物价格已经发展成为全球性的问题。
- If Mr Prestowitz is right, the global crisis means more than a cyclical shock to Asian economies. 如果普列斯多维兹是对的,那么全球危机对于亚洲经济而言,将不仅意味着一次周期性打击。
- After all, in 1999 the United States was the unquestioned leader of the global crisis response. 不管怎么说,在1999年,在应对全球危机上美国毫无疑问担当着领袖角色。
- The use of the G20 at this moment of global crisis is a clear indication that the old order has outlived its time. 在全球危机的这一关口动用G20,是一个明确的迹象,说明旧的秩序已经过时了。
- The global crisis is hurting the country badly, CPPCC members told China Daily reporters candidly. 政协委员对中国日报的记者坦率说到,全球经济危机对中国的影响十分严重。
- Obviously, there is a profound relevancy between the revival of nationalism and the global crisis of nation-state. 民族主义的再度崛起与全球性的民族国家危机有着深刻的关联。
- The depth and pervasiveness of this problem, spread over some 100 countries, constitutes a major global crisis. 这个问题遍布100多个国家,因其深度和广度它已成为全球危机。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The banks agreed to put up their own money to rescue LTCM. Wall Street had averted disaster, but the global crisis had one final chapter to go. 那些银行同意用它们自己的资金来拯救长资公司。华尔街逃过一劫,但是,这一全球危机还没有走到尽头。
- The dismal figures also place Japan firmly among the worst-hit in the global crisis, dwarfing economic declines in the United States and Europe. 糟糕的数据也把日本扔进了全球危机的恶劣境地,美国和欧洲的经济也正在衰退。