- global energy relations 全局能量关系式
- Russo-China Energy Relations: Can Anyone Save This Marriage? 有人能拯救中俄的能源婚姻吗?
- Maintain and enhance the stability of the global energy supply. 维护和加强全球能源的供应稳定。
- A sustained power crunch in China may affect global energy markets. 中国持续的电力紧张可能影响到全球能源市场。
- Itron is a leading technology provider and critical source of knowledge to the global energy and water industries. Itron是全球能源和水资源行业领先的技术提供商,并拥有关键的知识体系。
- Associations between the Global Energy Cycle and Regional Rainfall in South Africa and Southwest Australia. 非洲南部和澳大利亚西南地区性全球能量循环与降水之间的关系。
- This is how we interlink with one another to create global energy flow upon the continents. 这就是我们在陆地上如何相互联接来创造全球能量流的。
- Safeguarding world peace and regional stability is the prerequisite for global energy security. 能源保存和多样化是全球能源安全的长期计划。
- Second, wavelet transform is applied in the motion compensation error frames to achieve global energy compaction. 第二,对运动补偿误差帧进行小波变换得到全局能量压缩;
- The current global energy and mineral crisis, please as many as possible in the collection of metal items to prepare for national needs. 目前全球能源及矿藏危机,请各位尽可能多得收集金属物品,以备国家之需。
- Till now,"Hubert Apex"theory is far from obsolete,as the threat of exhaustion of global energy resources has always perplexed human society. 今天“休伯特顶点”理论并未过时,全球石油能源枯竭的威胁始终困扰着人类社会。
- From the global energy market, methanol-based DME has already been a new energy to be encouraged to develop in near future. 纵观国内外能源形势,在我国发展二甲醚等煤基醇醚燃料,符合产业政策,市场前景良好。
- Simulation results show that EBR outperforms DD in global energy balance ability and can efficiently prolong the network lifecycle. 仿真实验表明,EBR的全局能量平衡能力优于DD,并能有效延长网络的生命周期。
- British Petroleum, officially BP plc is the third largest global energy company, a multinational oil company ("oil major") with headquarters in London. 英国石油公司,英国石油公司是世界第三大的能源公司,也是一间跨国石油公司,总部设在伦敦。
- It can be used in collision problems to provide the solution that otherwise could be provided by an energy relation. 它可以用来解决碰撞问题,不然,这些问题就要用能量关系式来解决。
- As the numbers of Grand Masters dwindled, the global energy flow ceased and our kingdom and earth more or less moved into peace and balance again. 当大师们的数量减少,全球能量流程停止,我们王国和地球或多或少再次进入了和平及平衡之中。
- Since 1999, stocks have grown by 840,000 bpd on average in the second quarter, according to Leo Drollas of the Centre for Global Energy Studies. 全球能源研究中心(CentreforGlobalEnergyStudies)的LeoDrollas认为,从99年以来,第二季度石油库存平均增长840,000桶/天。
- The model of CERI shows, the price that place of element of market of real value outclass fixes the crude oil on global energy market. CERI的模型显示,全球能源市场上的原油实际价格远高于市场因素所确定的价格。
- From the global energy strategy, this paper puts forward the constructive suggestion to the building of Chinese energy system. 从全球能源战略的高度出发,对我国能源体系的建立提出了建设性的意见。
- The relationship between the product structure and the energy consumption in the each life-cycle stage is analyzed.The energy relation in several aspects are ana- lyze... 产品结构是影响产品能量消耗的重要因素之一,其设计不合理所带来的“先天性”问题,难以在后续阶段予以弥补和修正。