- Flagrant challenge the global hegemony of Nike sporting goods. 公然挑战的全球霸权的耐克体育用品。
- So the ultimate goal of great powers is try to achieve regional or global hegemony. 因此,大国的最终目标是获得地区或全球霸权。
- There is still considerable space for China's development under the framework of America's global hegemony system. 在美国构筑的全球霸权体系下,中国也还有相当大的崛起空间。
- China once seemed to take the EU as an institution more seriously, largely because of its apparent potential as a counter-balance to US global hegemony. 中国以前似乎更愿意把欧盟看做一个机构,这最大的可能原因是,中国现在是潜在的作为美国全球霸权的平衡力量。
- Global civil society plays an active role in participating globalgovernance,assisting weak groups,fighting against global hegemony,and solving democracy deficit. 全球公民社会在参与全球治理、扶持弱势群体、抑制全球强权、弥补“民主赤字”等方面扮演着积极的角色。
- In mid-1960s, the Soviet Union Government endeavored to further strengthen its relations with India in an attempt at contending with the United States for their presence in South Asia and ultimately for global hegemony. 1980年代中期,戈尔巴乔夫当局进行全球性战略收缩,改善与美国和欧洲的关系,印度以及整个南亚地区在苏联对外政策中的重要性日趋下降,拉吉夫·甘地政府则奉行“两个朋友的政策”,一边继续保持与苏联的“盟友”关系,一边加强与美国接触,积极与其建立新型的“实质性伙伴关系”,苏印关系逐渐淡化。
- How China Copes with the U.S. Global Hegemony Strategy 崛起的中国如何应对美国的全球霸权战略
- Energy Security,Geographical Stratagem and Global Hegemony--reviewing American petrolic stratagem in the Irarq warfare 能源安全、地缘战略和全球霸权--美国在伊拉克战争中的石油战略利益考察
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- David's house is quite close to the Global Theater. 大卫的家离环球剧院很近。
- All the countries united to fight global recession. 所有的国家团结一致对抗全球性的不景气。
- The two contended with each other for hegemony. 他俩互相争霸。
- Hegemony may continue to run rampant. 霸权主义还要继续横行下去。
- Future Hegemony Rivalry Between China and? 中国和西方的未来争霸?
- First, to safeguard world peace we oppose hegemony. 一句话是反对霸权主义,维护世界和平,
- global hegemony 全球霸权
- Handy for world hegemony, shops and heliport. 世界大亨的便利,商店和直升机停机坪。
- Then the Soviet Union for hegemony, their teeth. 当年美苏争霸,咬牙切齿。
- This will be their city of hegemony in the sky. 这次他们的将在天空之城争霸。你准备好了吗?
- Let's brainstorm about how to solve global warming. 让我们献计献策看怎样解决全球变暖问题。