- global temperature potential 全球温变潜能
- Global temperature soared and this trend is predicted to continue. 全球温度上升,专家预计这个趋势更会持续下去。
- Global Temperature Forced by Solar Irradiation and Greenhouse Gases? 全球温度受到太阳辐照和温室气体的强迫吗?
- The average global temperature is about 0.5 degrees centigrade higher than it was 100 years ago. 全球平均气温比一百年前高出了0.;5摄氏度。
- There is a close correspondence between average global temperature and CO2 concentration. 这说明了全球平均气温和CO2浓度之间的紧密关系。
- The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is closely related to global temperature. 大气中二氧化碳的含量与全球气温息息相关。
- The average global temperature has increased by almost 0.5 centigrade degree over the past century. 全球平均气温比上个世纪增长了大约0.;5度。
- In particular, it failed to express the likelihood of predictions that the global temperature would rise by 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius by 2100. 特别是它未能阐明预测全球气温到2100年将升高1.;4-5
- In particular,it failed to express the likelihood of predictions that the global temperature would rise by 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius by 2100. 特别是,它未能阐明预测全球气温到2100年将升高1.;4-5
- Officials from more than100 countries say the world must act immediately to cap the global temperature increase at two degrees Celsius. 来自100多个国家的官员说,全世界必须立即行动,将全球升温控制在2摄氏度以内。
- But since global temperature is rising, the net effect may be that western Europe stays the same, or gets just a bit warmer. 不过因为全球气温在不断上升,因此总的影响可能是西欧的温度保持不变,或只稍微变暖一点。
- One additional watt per square meter of forcing, over and above that today, will take global temperature approximately to the maximum level of the Eemian. 今后的气候营力每平方公尺只要增加一瓦特,就会使全球气温达到艾姆间冰期的最高水准。
- Eversince the industrial revolution, global temperature rises up because of the warming gases from the industrial industry, namely carbon monoxide. 自工业革命以来,全球气温不断上升。全球增温是由于人为工业排放出很多温室气体,特别是二氧化碳。
- differential temperature potential 温差电势
- Global temperatures will increase as much as three degrees centigrade. 全球的温度会上升三摄氏度。
- Worse still, the shrinkage of rainforests has disastrously led to the shortage of water source and the warming-up of global temperature. 热带雨林作为我们地球生物圈中的主要角色,它不仅养育着数量庞大的动物种群,其本身在生长过程中还向大气中源源不断地供给着生命赖以生存的氧气。
- It can be observed that the temperature at the Observatory Headquarters followed more or less the same trend as the global temperature during the pre-World War II period. 在二次世界大战前,天文台总部的气温趋势与全球大致相若。大战后则有两段时期天文台总部的气温显著上升。
- The average global temperature has increased by almost 0.5 centigrade degree over the past century; scientists expect it to rise by an extra 1-3 degrees over the next 100 years. 全球平均气温比上个世纪增长了大约0.;5度;科学家预计今后100年中气温还将升高1到3度。
- A one-dimensional stochastic climate model is set up, and the rela tioa of the global temperature of the most probable state with time and latitude ia derived. 本文建立了一维随机气候模式,导出了最可几气候态的温度与时间和纬度的关系。
- It is the major reasons of desertisation that global temperature is going dawn and tectonic activity gets weaker.Human actions make the desertisation speedily. 气候变冷和构造活动变弱是沙漠化的主要原因,人类活动则加速了沙漠化的进程。