- Global capital and talent have flocked there and it now has plenty of dwellers who do not speak Shanghainese. 上海吸引到了全球资本和人才,现在的上海,不会讲上海话的“上海人”比比皆是。
- Another reason for choosing London was to take advantage of the excellent access to global capital markets. 选择伦敦作为其总部的另一个原因是利用了其作为全球资本市场的优势。
- "In the global capital markets is not an ideal situation, TMT industry this change is indeed commendable. “在全球资本市场情况并不理想的状况下,TMT行业出现这种变化的确难能可贵。”
- As a result, the world's biggest exchanges are vying as never before for a share of highly mobile global capital. 结果,世界上那些最大的金融交易市场对那些高度流动的国际资金的竞争也是前所未有的。
- The logic of capital expands to the scale of global and the global capital gains the extraterritoriality. 在这种资本全球化的冲击下,民族国家的结构和功能开始出现崩解的迹象,表现为:国家与民族的分离、国家与主权的分离、国家与福利的分离。
- TMX Group provides growth-oriented cleantech issuers with a dynamic market to access North American and global capital. TMX集团为成长型清洁技术发行人提供了一个连接北美和全球资本的活跃的市场。
- Real Estate Capital Markets: Examination and analysis of the growing integration of real estate finance and global capital markets. 房地产资本市场:检查和分析房地产金融财务状况和全球资本市场。
- E.Ogawa) in Ito and Kruger eds., Regional and Global Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Causes and Consequences, University of Chicago Press, Chicago. 2000年《国际资本流入、固定汇率制度和金融体系的脆弱性》(日语)。日本一桥大学博士学位论文。
- But lifting exchange controls would expose bankrupt and ill-managed financial institutions to the temptations of the global capital markets. 而解除外汇管制将使面临倒闭和管理不善的金融机构受全球资本市场的左右。
- International finance cannot just be “fixed”, because the system is a tug-of-war between the global capital markets and national sovereignty. 国际金融体系不可能一下子就确立起来,因为该体系是全球资本市场和国家主权之间的一场拔河。
- Who will be the next to replace China, the succeeder of Euro, America, Japan and Korea as a fast growing entity in the global capital flow? 中国,作为欧美和日韩之后的高速增长的继起者,在跨国资本全球性流动中的下一批取代者是谁?
- The explosion of international finance has certainly helped to increase the efficiency of international financial intermediation and the allocation of global capital. 无可否认,国际金融事业迅速膨胀,确实提高了国际金融中介活动和全球资金调配的效率。
- This abundance of global capital has helped many developing countries reduce or even eliminate their foreign debt and finance ambitious restructuring efforts. 这一丰富的全球资本已经帮助许多发展中国家减轻甚至消除其外债和金融雄心勃勃重组努力。
- Now, far be it from me to begrudge the Vietnamese their moment in the sun before global capital finds them too costly and moves on to Bangladesh and Somalia. 在全球资本因越南劳动力成本上升到很难承受并转移到孟加拉索马里之前,在我看来我们还远未到羡慕越南的地步。
- With the trend of globalized capitalism and the revival of nationalism, dramatic changes of national identify and the citizenship are predictable. 随著资本主义全球化及种族意识的复兴趋势,公民认同与权利意识势必将大幅度转变。
- Warren is devoted to establishing long-term cooperation with clients and preparing to take the challenges in global capital market through continuous efforts. 致力于发展长期客户关系,通过共同的不懈努力,不断把握商机,以迎接国际资本市场的挑战。
- This crisis showed that the modern financial system, with its deregulated markets, highly leveraged players and global capital flows, was becoming dangerously fragile. 这场危机告诉人们,缺乏监管的金融市场,大量的杠杆投资者和全球范围内的资本流动,这些因素造就的现代金融体系既危险又脆弱。
- They had no patience with protectionism, found unions troublesome, and were not particularly sympathetic to those whose lives were upended by the movements of global capital. 他们对保护主义完全没有耐心,觉得工会是在找麻烦,并且对全球资本流动所造成生活贫困没有特别的同情心。
- The world's central banks yesterday unleashed a co-ordinated assault on the credit squeeze in global capital markets with a barrage of new measures to support market liquidity. 全球各央行昨日携手解决全球金融市场的信贷紧缩状况,推出了一系列支持市场流动性的新措施。
- In 2000, AsiaInfo successfully listed on the NASDAQ (NASDAQ: ASIA), further integrating its development with global capital, technologies, talents, and management. 2000年,亚信在美国纳斯达克上市(NASDAQ交易代码:ASIA),使亚信的发展融合了全球资本、技术、人才、管理的优势。