- globe broach reamer 球头根管扩大针
- Grinding milling cutter, reamer, broach and other cutting tools. 铣刀、铰刀、拉刀和其它刀具。
- I will broach your idea to the committee. 我要把你的想法提交委员会考虑。
- Let's broach another bottle of wine. 我们再打开一瓶酒吧。
- The sun looked like an orange globe. 太阳看上去象只橘黄色的球体。
- Her beloved broach was nowhere to be found. 她心爱的饰针找不到了。
- Fashion trends diffuse themselves rapidly around the globe. 时装新潮很快就在全世界流行起来。
- This plant can grow in many parts of the globe. 这种植物能在地球上许多地方生长。
- broach reamer 锥铰刀
- The clasp of my brooch is broken. 我胸针的钩子断了。
- My aunt give me one of her brooch as a keepsake. 我的姑母把她的一只胸针送给我作纪念。
- Her travels had taken her to every quarter of the globe. 她游遍了世界各地。
- The oil-lamp needs a new globe, spherical lampshade. 这油灯需配个新的圆灯罩。
- Her fame has reached the most far-flung corners of the globe. 她已名扬四海。
- The silvery globe of the moon sank towards the horizon. 银盘似的月亮朝地平线落去。
- A terrestrial globe is one that represents the earth. 地球仪是表现地球的器具。
- To squeeze the juice out of(fruit) with a reamer. 榨汁用果汁压榨器把果汁从(水果)中挤压出来
- Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe. 麦哲伦是第一个环球航行的人。
- I wonder if I might give you a brooch. 不知我是否可以给您一只胸针。
- I would like to broach the subject to her. 我想向她提出这个问题。