- globule leucocyte 小球白细胞
- Pressure-induced molten globule states of proteins. 压力下,蛋白质熔化的球体状态。
- Having the shape of a globeor globule; spherical. 球状的具有球形或水球形的;像球体一样的。
- Having the shape of a globe or globule; spherical. 球状的具有球形或水球形的;像球体一样的。
- Another Bok globule is in the foreground. 另一个博克球状体在它的前面。
- The distinction of leucocyte and leucocyte? ? ? 白细胞和白血球的区别???
- Having the shape of a globe or globule;spherical. 球状的具有球形或水球形的;像球体一样的
- What should leucocyte on the low side notice? 白血球偏低应注意什么?
- This globule, however, has ruptured. 而这个云气团已经破裂了。
- Check leucocyte to note several need hollow? 查白细胞记数需要空腹吗?
- How do calculate blood middle leucocyte contents? 怎样计算血液中白细胞含量?
- Lymphocyte is a kind of leucocyte of small volume. 淋巴细胞是一种体积较小的白细胞。
- How does the fleetness increase a leucocyte? 如何快速增加白细胞?
- A globule of fused borax or other flux used in a bead test. 熔珠熔化的硼砂或其他珠状熔接剂,用于珠子的化验
- TR: tapetal residues;E: exospore;P: perispore;G: globule. 成熟孢子壁近极面的横切,其附近可见小球;
- A Bok globule nicknamed the "caterpillar" appears at the right. 一个绰号“毛虫”的博克球状体在右边。
- Bok globule nicknamed the "caterpillar" appears at the right. 一个绰号“毛虫”的博克球状体在右边。
- Cannot the person with tall leucocyte become an operation? Why? 白血球高的人是不是不能做手术?为什么?
- Leucocyte index was achieved more than 10000, what to mean? 白血球指标达到了一万多,意味着什么?
- Take demulcent drug for a long time, can leucocyte decrease? 长期服用镇痛药,白细胞会减少吗?