- Tone Recognition Based on Estimation of Glottal Closure Instances 基于声门闭合时刻估计的声调的提取
- estimates the glottal closure instants from the speech waveform. (译):估计,声门关闭instants从语音波形。
- The railway is under threat of closure. 那条铁路有停止运营的迹象。
- The closure of the large factory made many workers live in idleness. 那家大工厂倒闭,使许多工人失业。
- glottal closure 声门闭合
- glottal closure instant 声门闭合瞬间
- 3)Among the parameters evaluated in stroboscopic examination ,incomplete glottal closure,diminution of vibration and mucosal wave lack or absent on the operated vocal fold were frequently observed following most laser surgery and partial radiotherapy. 频闪喉镜检查见CO2 激光治疗患者及部分放射患者出现声门闭合不全 ,声带振动振幅减小 ,声带粘膜波减弱或消失。
- Police reported the closure of the road/that the road was closed. 警方宣布那条道路禁止通行。
- He was the only one to speak out against the closure of the hospital. 只有他一人直言不讳地表示反对关闭医院。
- Serious lack of circulating fund forced the closure of the company. 公司因严重缺乏流动资金而被迫关闭。
- Produced in or with the larynx;glottal. 喉部发出的由喉头发出或用喉发出的;声门的
- Produced in or with the larynx; glottal. 喉部发出的由喉头发出或用喉发出的;声门的
- Lack of money forced the closure of the company. 公司因缺钱而被迫关闭。
- The strike forced the closure of the factory. 罢工迫使该厂关闭。
- The threat of closure affected the workers' morale. 工厂行将倒闭一事影响着工人的士气.
- Can the school be saved from closure? 能保全这所学校不致关闭吗?
- The closure of the car factory had a knock-on effect on the tyre manufacturers. 汽车厂关闭后,轮胎制造商受到间接的影响。
- Finally brought the project to closure. 最后方案被截止了
- Lapped seat ensures tight closure. 经过研磨的阀座确保气密性关闭。
- Uneven width of top-stitches at closure edge. 前襟边面线宽度不均匀。