- In this paper, a model of implantable enzyme based glucose sensor is presented. 本研究介绍一种可植入的葡萄糖传感器的设计和计算机模拟优化。
- A novel glucose sensor, using diamondfilm as substrate and H2O2 microarray elec trodes as base electrode, has been fabricated. 研制成功一种完全新型的、以金刚石薄膜为绝缘衬底、H2O2微电极阵列为基础电极的微型葡萄糖传感器。
- The sensitivity of the glucose sensor was estimated through the analysis of voltammetric signals, which can be fine turned to the desired level by adjusting the number of attached GOx layers. DAR/GOx多层膜电极在电子转移中介体存在下,能够实现对葡萄糖的催化氧化,且催化信号产生得快速稳定,传感器灵敏度能够通过调节DAR/GOx组装层数进行控制,达到了预想的目的。
- Sensors for Medicine and Science (SMSI) is developing a glucose sensor to be placed just under the skin of the forearm that connects to a watch-like wireless reader. 医学与科学传感器公司(SMSI)正在研制一种植入手臂皮下的葡萄糖传感器,该装置与类似手表的无线吴旋阅读器相连。
- Simulation analysis of implantable glucose sensor 植入式葡萄糖传感器的模拟分析
- Under the conditions of different polyurethane concentration and dip times, responses of glucose sensors were studied. 研究了在不同制膜液浓度及不同浸渍次数的条件下 ,葡萄糖传感器的响应性能。
- Study of the Cathod of the Amperometric Glucose Sensor 电流型葡萄糖传感器阴极的研究
- Microdialysis glucose sensor based on co-immobilizing technique 基于双酶固定化技术的微透析葡萄糖传感器
- Study of Glucose Sensor for Multi-Parameter Biochemical Measuring Micro System 用于多参数生化检测微系统的葡萄糖传感器的研究
- Non-conducting polyaniline used as permselectivity membrane for glucose sensor 非导电聚苯胺膜葡萄糖传感器的研究
- Response performance of glucose sensor containing mediator for Single use 含电子媒介物的一次性葡萄糖传感器的响应性能
- An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood. 低血糖症血液中葡萄糖不正常地低含量
- Sucrose is sweeter than glucose but not as sweet as fructose. 蔗糖比葡萄糖甜,但没有果糖甜。
- Fabrication and Response Properties of Diffusion Limited Polyurethane Membrane of Glucose Sensor 葡萄糖传感器聚氨酯扩散限制膜的制备及其响应性能的研究
- Results Both are effective in controlling blood glucose, while the time consuming by standardizing the control of blood gluco... 结论对于围手术期的糖尿病患者胰岛素泵的应用明显优于常规的胰岛素给入方式。
- Response Dynamics of Glucose Sensor Based on the Polyurethane Diffusion Limited Membranes 葡萄糖传感器聚氨酯扩散限制膜响应动力学的研究
- He plugged the sensor into a outlet. 他把传感器插进电源插座。
- Progress in Boronic Acid-Based Fluorescent Glucose Sensors 基于有机硼酸的葡萄糖荧光传感器的研究进展
- The biomedical breakdown of glycogen to glucose. 肝糖水解,糖原分解作用糖原转化成葡萄糖的生物医理分解