- glutaric aciduria type Ⅰ戊二酸尿症Ⅰ型
- 表示由当前Type实现或继承的所有接口的Type对象数组。An array of Type objects representing all the interfaces implemented or inherited by the current Type.
- Type-A半群Type-A semigroups
- Type-2模糊集Tpye-2 Fuzzy Set
- Type-Ⅱ模糊集Type-Ⅱ Fuzzy Sets
- 大家可能猜想有一个名为“type”的关键字。You might expect there to be a keyword called "type," and that certainly would have made sense.
- Type-2模糊系统Type -2 fuzzy logical system
- TypeⅢ分泌系统TypeⅢ secretion systems
- protocol-type、protocol-options和options可在多处进行设置。The protocol-type, protocol-options, and options can be set in several places.
- Razumikhin-type定理Razumikhin-type theorem
- 活化B细胞样(activated B-cell-like,ABC); (3)第3型(type 3)。The GCB group has a significantly bettersurvival than the ABC group, The type 3 group is heterogeneous and not well defined, but has a poor outcome similar to the ABC group.
- Suzuki--Type偶联反应Suzuki-Type coupling reaction
- Type-Ⅱ型W结构激光器Type-Ⅱ " W " laser
- 必须先用CREATE TYPE语句创建别名数据类型,然后才能将其用于表定义中。Alias data types are created with the CREATE TYPE statement before they can be used in a table definition.
- 别名数据类型必须先使用CREATE TYPE进行创建,然后才能在表定义中使用。Alias data types must be created by using CREATE TYPE before they can be used in a table definition.
- TLV(Type-Length-Value)TLV(Type-Length-Value)
- Type of Link = 链路节点类型。Type of Link = the type of link node.
- 更改使用Math Type写入的公式Change an equation that was written by using Math Type
- Smarandache-Type可乘函数Smarandache-Type multiplicative function