- I think I'll go for the fruit salad. 我想我还是要水果色拉吧。
- She's going for the world record in the high jump. 她想创造跳高世界纪录。
- It was all systems go for the new factory. 新工厂已是一应俱全,万事俱备。
- I'm a Cowboys fan but I always go for the Saints. 我是一个流氓,但我一直走的范圣。
- How much did you go for the camera. 你相机卖了多少钱?
- And he decided to go for the jump. 巴士整个是跳起来,落到了桥的另一边。
- Where shall we go for the May Day? 五一节我们去哪呢?
- The dog went for the postman as soon as he opened the garden gate. 邮递员一打开花园的门,那狗便向他扑了过去。
- In the tucked position, quickly go for the grab. 在屈体的位置的时候,迅速进行抓板。
- Carmichael agreed to let him go for the afternoon. 村里有一个花展。莫里斯2点钟出去了。
- Where are the gloves for the Christmas party on Wednesday night? 为了星期三的圣诞派对而准备的手套在哪里?
- "Quick! boys, go for the tent!" exclaimed Tom. “快,伙计们!快撤到帐篷里去!”汤姆大喊。
- For people who go for the afl team geelong. 本群组还没有任何活动。来做第一个发起活动的人吧.
- She's going for the double this year, the Olympics and the World Championship. 今年她要争取奥林匹克赛和世界杯冠军赛的双料冠军。
- Let's go for a picnic by the riverside. 我们到河边野餐去吧。
- Which way do we go for the Northern Line? 北路线从哪边走?
- go for the glovesvi. 冒险赌博(孤注一掷)
- Same thing goes for the Kerry Berry. 对克里莓酒来说,情况也是一样的。”
- It is all systems go for the meeting are ready now. 会议的准备工作都做好了。
- He's go for the rest for the rest of the now. 他今天不会回来了。