- He has decided to go forward with his plans. 他己决定实施自己的计划。
- Before fear holds you back, go forward with faith. 在恐惧让你畏惧退却之前,以坚定的信念武装自己,勇敢前行。
- Let us go forward with Christ and let us live our lives as true worshippers of God! Amen. 让我们与基督一起前行,让我的生活与朝圣者的一样。亚孟。
- Today's decision is consistent with our ability to go forward with these crucial and innovative products. 今天的判决确认了我们继续推出这些重要的、创新性的产品的权利。
- Now we've burned our bridges behind us and we have no option but to go forward with the project. 现在我们已经破釜沉舟了,除了按计划前进外,别无选择。
- Only after that should you actually go forward with your application, and you should only apply for one card at once. 其实,你才应该勇往直前你申请你也应该只申请一张智能卡开启。
- By making the bold promise, he had burnt his bridges, for now he had no option but to go forward with the project. 作那样大胆的许诺, 他算破釜沉舟了, 现在他除了做之外已没有别的选择。
- Mr. Crich went forward with his hand held out to her. 克里奇先生走上前去向她伸出了手。
- As for the rest of our team, we must refocus our attention and go forward with the goals we have set for ourselves. (至于我们这些剩下的人,能做的就是继续按照我们已经制定的目标前进。)
- But Rick Wagoner said G.M. will go forward with plans to make the Chevy Volt, a car powered mainly by electricity. 但是,里克.;瓦格纳说,通用汽车将推进以电力驱动为主的切维
- We have chosen to go forward with young players - and if we can, above all Italians. 我们要选择年轻的球员,如果可能,我们想把意大利所有年轻球员都招至帐下。”
- Toth says that without the grant, “we’d be scraping to go forward with getting this ready for multi-center studies. 托特说,没有补助金, “我们会刮前进与获得这一准备的多中心研究。
- So as you do that you continuously making sure the napkin is going forward with you. 你要始终不断地确认餐巾是跟著你前进。
- Let us go forward with hope! A new millennium is opening before the Church like a vast ocean upon which we shall venture, relying on the help of Christ. 让我们怀著望德迈进!一个新的禧年正在教会前敞开,像一个浩瀚的海洋有待我们依赖耶稣基督的助佑去开拓。
- And we are also agreed that we will discuss a response if we are not successful in convincing them not to go forward with what is a very provocative act. 我们还同意,如果我们不能成功说服他们不要继续进行这一十分具有挑衅性的行动,那么我们将讨论对策。
- The toy robot moved forward with quick jerky steps. 玩具机器人一颠一颠地走得很快。
- The team feels that this is definitely the way to go forward with rescanning fields of view that had bad focus and to look at individual candidates in more detail. 小组觉得干脆就这么重扫描聚焦不好的视场以及用更多细节观察单独的候选视场。
- You continue to go forward with the junction to the left, there are food stalls, the chaotic Benguela dumplings, noodles boiled rice chowder, please, Mr.Zibian. 你继续往前走,见了路口向左拐,那边都是小吃摊,混沌水饺格拉条,米饭杂烩水煮面,先生请自便。
- He shouted for them to go forward. 他大叫,要他们向前进。
- He sent the horse forward with a slap on its rump. 他拍了一下马的屁股,马便向前跑去。