- go it with a rush 参照 rush
- Go ahead, you can do it with a wet finger. 去吧,你可以毫不费力地办好这件事情。
- He damped the table down, and then rub it with a wet cloth. 他先把桌面弄湿,然后用湿布擦拭。
- I made my speech longer by padding it with a few jokes. 我插进了几则笑话,把我的讲话拉长了。
- One idea succeeded to another with a rush. 一个主意接着一个主意涌现出来。
- Grasping the wallet with a rush,the thief escaped. 这贼猛地一把抓住钱包逃跑了。
- Shall I tie it with a red ribbon? 是否需要用红绸带绑一下?
- How goes it with your new neighbors? 和你的新邻居处得如何?
- Do not say, "it is morning, " and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday. 不要说:“这是早晨”, 别用一个“昨天”的名词把它打发掉。
- His accent is so thick you can cut it with a knife. 他的口音很重。
- You may do it with a good conscience. 你大可放心干好了。
- He said it with a sarcastic twist. 他说这话时带上一点讽嘲的意味。
- Cleaning the light is simplicity itself; just wipe it with a damp cloth. 把灯弄乾净非常容易,用湿布一擦就行了。
- He did it with a view to becoming the best. 他做它是为了要变成最好的。
- You can see it with a microscope. 用显微镜就能看见.
- She said it with a straight face. 她板着脸说了这件事。
- The whales expired with a rushing sound. 那些鲸鱼呼气时发出一种急促的声音。
- Winston watched it with a sort of vague reverence. 温斯顿看着它,只觉出一种朦胧的崇敬。
- You could do it with a stroke of the pen. 你只要大笔一挥(签个字),这事就办成了。
- Then you get to do it with a condom. 然后才是做些用得上安全套的事情。