- The bomb went off in a crowded street. 炸弹在熙来攘往的街道上爆炸了。
- Her books have gone off in recent years. 近年来她写的书质量下降了。
- The Bomb was set to go off in three hours. 炸弹被设定在三个小时内爆炸。
- The time bomb will go off in ten seconds. (那枚定时炸弹会在十秒后爆炸。)
- Tom went off in one direction and Harry in another. 汤姆朝一个方向走,哈里则朝另一个方向走。
- go off in haste 匆忙离去
- One woman was late because her alarm clock didn't go off in time. 一个女士迟到了,因為她的闹鐘没有及时闹醒她。
- The fireworks went off in a cascade of colour. 烟火散开来象一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。
- The firework went off in a cascade of colour. 烟火散开像一片五彩缤纷的瀑布。
- It ended in his going off in a rage. 最后,他大怒而去。
- Tom went off in the direction of the post office. 汤姆朝邮局方向去了。
- The firecracker went off in his hand. 爆竹崩了他的手。
- Tom goes off in one direction and Harry in another. 汤姆朝一个方向走,哈里则朝另一个方向走。
- I don't know why he went off in a passion. 我不知道他为什么一怒而去。
- It was like an alarm went off in my head. 我的头脑中好象响起一声警报。
- Fish soon goes off in this hot weather. 在这么热的天气里鱼很快会变质。
- They all went off in one direction. 他们都往同一方向走了.
- I got up later and went to school in haste. 我起晚了,匆匆赶到学校。
- He went off in a huff when she criticized his work. 当她批评他的工作时, 他怒气冲冲地走掉了。
- We advised him against acting in haste. 我们劝他不要匆忙行事。