- He went over the road for stealing. 他因盗窃而被判刑
- It's a difficult problem and I should like to go over the ground again. 这个问题是很麻烦,我想再了解一下情况。
- I bought an awning to go over the doorway. 我买了一张可以放在门上的帆布遮篷。
- The girl went over the room quickly with a duster. 女孩用掸帚很快地把房间清理了一下。
- Let's go over the draft once again. 咱们把这篇稿子再过一遍。
- How much will it is if I go over the rental period? 如果我的租车期限过了,这将要加多少钱呢?
- Would you like to go over the menu (the wine list)? 您先看一下菜单(酒单)好吗?
- Would you like to go over the menu first? 您想先看一下菜单吗?
- Leafy branches arched over the road. 叶子繁茂的树枝在路的上方弯成了拱圆形。
- Tom went over the text before the exam. 汤姆考试前复习课文。
- Fred was all hopped up about going over the ocean. 弗雷德一想要远渡重洋,就兴奋得要命。
- The branches of the trees hung out over the road. 树枝一直延伸到马路上空。
- She went over the room with a duster. 她用抹布把房间擦得干干净净。
- The book just goes over the same old ground. 那本书只是重复一些旧的说法。
- Just over the hill the road forks. 刚过这座山,路就分岔了。
- I'll go over the explanation of how it works. 我将把有关它的使用说明再看一下。
- I walked through an overpass over the road. 我步行穿过那条公路上面的立交桥。
- Yes,would you like to go over the menu first? 好的,您要先看一看菜单吗?
- The wind arched the tree over the road . 风使树在路的上方弯成拱形。
- There's no use to go over the newspaper ads. 用不着查看报纸上的广告。