- multiple goal decision making - dealpoint 多目标决策-理想点
- multiple - goal decision - making and ideal point method 多目标决策-理想点法
- Multi - goal decision - making and ideal point method 多目标决策-理想点法
- He shouldered off a defender and shot at goal. 他用肩膀挡开防守队员後射门。
- Sherman recommended that Clarke be disciplined, but higher-ups rejected the idea. 谢尔曼建议对克拉克进行纪律惩戒,但高层拒绝了这个意见。
- The last goal evened up the score. 最后一球把比分拉平了。
- He pushed her into making a decision. 他催促她做出决定。
- The ball glanced off the goal post into the net. 球撞到球门柱上斜飞入网。
- His decision is made us feeling regretful. 他的决定令人感到遗憾。
- They finally cracked the defence and scored a goal. 他们终於突破了防守,射进一球。
- The panel brought in a unanimous decision. 全体陪审员一致通过了一项决定。
- The footballer took a strike at the goal. 那个足球队员飞脚射门。
- It is imperative that we make a quick decision. 我们要尽快做出决定。
- Please elucidate the reasons for your decision. 请把你作出决定的理由解释清楚。
- The goal in soccer, hockey, and lacrosse. 球门足球、曲棍球和长曲棍球的球门
- The final decision rests with him. 最后决定取决于他。
- That's the twentieth goal he's kicked this season. 这是他本赛季踢进的第二十个球。
- A decision on this matter is pending. 此事即将作出决定。
- They are pressing us to make a quick decision. 他们正在敦促我们迅速作出决定。
- You'd better set a goal before you start the drill. 练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。