
[ɡʊd]     [ɡʊd]    
  • adj. 好的;上等的;优秀的
  • n. 好处;善行
  • (复)goods:商品;货物.
better best



adj. (形容词)
  1. 好的
  2. 有效的
  3. 愉快的
  4. 乖的
  5. 好心的,乐于助人的
  6. 新鲜的
  7. 令人满意的
  8. 有益的
  9. 漂亮的
  10. 有本事的
  11. 真正的
  12. 循规蹈矩的,守规矩的
  13. 有礼貌的
  14. 充分的
  15. 诚实的
  16. 精通的
  17. 合适的
  18. 合情理的
n. (名词)
  1. 好处,益处
  2. 好人,有道德的人,高尚的人
  3. 利益
  4. 善(行),美德
  5. 用处
  6. 好事,不失为好事
  7. 长处,优点
  8. 慷慨的行为,合乎道德的行为,正直的行为
  9. 没用处
  10. 没乐趣
  11. 有益
  12. 商品(pl.)
adv. (副词)
  1. 完全地,充分地
int. (感叹词)
  1. 好的!
v. (动词)
  1. 变好,提高,改进


adj. (形容词)
  1. 好的,优质的,符合标准的,令人满意的 of high quality; of an acceptable standard; satisfactory
  2. [P]善于使用某物、处事、待人或用人 capable when using, dealing with, etc. sth/sb
  3. 乐于助人的,好心的,仁慈的 willing to help others; kind
  4. [A]无病的,健康的,强健的 not diseased; healthy; strong
  5. 合适的,恰当的 right or suitable
  6. [A]彻底的,着实的,完全的 thorough; complete; sound
  7. 有偿还〔借款〕能力的 such that he will be able to repay (a sum lent)
  8. (用以表示愉快或满意的) a word that you use when you are pleased
n. (名词)
  1. [U]有道德的事,善 that which is morally right or acceptable
  2. [C]好处,利益 that which gives benefit, profit, advantage, etc.


  1. benefit;

    "for your own good"
    "what's the good of worrying?"

  2. moral excellence or admirableness;

    "there is much good to be found in people"

  3. that which is pleasing or valuable or useful;

    "weigh the good against the bad"
    "among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization"

  4. articles of commerce

  1. having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified;

    "good news from the hospital"
    "a good report card"
    "when she was good she was very very good"
    "a good knife is one good for cutting"
    "this stump will make a good picnic table"
    "a good check"
    "a good joke"
    "a good exterior paint"
    "a good secretary"
    "a good dress for the office"

  2. having the normally expected amount;

    "gives full measure"
    "gives good measure"
    "a good mile from here"

  3. morally admirable

  4. deserving of esteem and respect;

    "all respectable companies give guarantees"
    "ruined the family's good name"

  5. promoting or enhancing well-being;

    "an arms limitation agreement beneficial to all countries"
    "the beneficial effects of a temperate climate"
    "the experience was good for her"

  6. agreeable or pleasing;

    "we all had a good time"
    "good manners"

  7. of moral excellence;

    "a genuinely good person"
    "a just cause"
    "an upright and respectable man"

  8. having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude;

    "adept in handicrafts"
    "an adept juggler"
    "an expert job"
    "a good mechanic"
    "a practiced marksman"
    "a proficient engineer"
    "a lesser-known but no less skillful composer"
    "the effect was achieved by skillful retouching"

  9. thorough;

    "had a good workout"
    "gave the house a good cleaning"

  10. with or in a close or intimate relationship;

    "a good friend"
    "my sisters and brothers are near and dear"

  11. financially sound;

    "a good investment"
    "a secure investment"

  12. most suitable or right for a particular purpose;

    "a good time to plant tomatoes"
    "the right time to act"
    "the time is ripe for great sociological changes"

  13. resulting favorably;

    "it's a good thing that I wasn't there"
    "it is good that you stayed"
    "it is well that no one saw you"
    "all's well that ends well"

  14. exerting force or influence;

    "the law is effective immediately"
    "a warranty good for two years"
    "the law is already in effect (or in force)"

  15. capable of pleasing;

    "good looks"

  16. appealing to the mind;

    "good music"
    "a serious book"

  17. in excellent physical condition;

    "good teeth"
    "I still have one good leg"
    "a sound mind in a sound body"

  18. tending to promote physical well-being; beneficial to health;

    "beneficial effects of a balanced diet"
    "a good night's sleep"
    "the salutary influence of pure air"

  19. not forged;

    "a good dollar bill"

  20. not left to spoil;

    "the meat is still good"

  21. generally admired;

    "good taste"

  1. (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well');

    "the children behaved well"
    "a task well done"
    "the party went well"
    "he slept well"
    "a well-argued thesis"
    "a well-seasoned dish"
    "a well-planned party"
    "the baby can walk pretty good"

  2. completely and absolutely (`good' is sometimes used informally for `thoroughly');

    "he was soundly defeated"
    "we beat him good"



用作形容词 (adj.)
  1. A good video camera will cost you a lot of money.
  2. My one good suit is at the cleaner's.
  3. If you train hard, you'll make a good footballer.
用作名词 (n.)
  1. Complaining won't do you any good.
  2. Good is rewarded with evil.


用作形容词 (adj.)
a good few
    相当多(的),几个 a considerable number (of); several
as good as
    几乎,实际上 almost, practically
good and ...
    〈美口〉完全,彻底 completely
    good and+adj\u002e

    I won't go until I'm good and ready.


    She made me good and mad.


    She was good and angry.


    I was good and tired.


    He knew good and well that she had stolen his watch.


    The melon was good and sweet.


good for sb
    某人干得好(用以祝贺某人) doing well (used when congratulating sb)
用作名词 (n.)
do good
    有益于某人 benefit sb
    do good

    This cough medicine tastes nice but it doesn't do much good.


    do sb good

    Eat more fruit, it will do you good.


    Much good may it do you.


    do good to sb

    You should do good to others.


for good (and all)
    永久,永远,决定性地 permanently; finally
to the good
    (用以记述某人的财务状况)盈余 (used to describe sb's financial state) in credit
up to no good
    做坏事,淘气,恶作剧 doing sth wrong, mischievous, etc.


用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词 ~+介词
用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 介词+~


  • If he had employ'd Those excellent gifts..Vnto the good, not ruin, of the State.

    出自: Jonson
  • What is the good of Greatness but the Power.

    出自: N. Rowe
  • A prayer-meeting..has become a power for good in the College.

    出自: W. S. Tyler
  • No good..building docks unless there were ships to load in them.

    出自: W. S. Jevons
  • One half of us slept on shore by a good fire.

    出自: W. Bligh
  • A good history of our foreign policy would be very useful.

    出自: M. Pattison
  • I..shot him the third time, which killed him good.

    出自: D. Crockett
  • My mother could never cook this good.

    出自: J. P. Donleavy
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