- good design mark 优秀设计标记
- Hello, good design and informative site! 韩国人的网站设计颜色表!
- Nice life searching for good design! 好生活需要好设计。
- Good design also takes into account if the machining operations will be easily performed and how the work is held. 一个好的设计要考虑到加工工序是否容易进行及工程如何掌握问题。
- There is no recipe for creative vision and good design judgment. 创造力和优秀的设计判断力并没有现成的处方。
- This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use. 这种计算机因设计巧妙、简单易用而广受欢迎。
- For good design, proper contacting of phases is essential. 对好的设计来说,两相适当的接触是重要的。
- For good design, proper contacting of phases is essential . 对好的设计来说,两相适当的接触是重要的。
- Becomes a mere formality the design is not the good design. 流于形式的设计不是好的设计。
- "Good design" has meaning only for a person using a product for some purpose. “优良设计”对于一个人来说,仅仅当这个产品为满足一定目的被使用时才有意义。
- Romantic, naturalness, modern Good design for the different kitchen room. 好的厨房设计,当然会适应不同的厨房空间。
- Plus, its hotdog shaped backrest is also a good design for our wrong postures. 另外,独特的靠背曲线也能更好地支撑腰部以实现挺拔的坐姿,售价约合人民币3645元。
- A good design could b a good complainer seeking for better solution. 好的设计师就是一名寻求更好解决办法的抱怨者。
- If I find any good design,I should take photo.Then down into my computer. 如果我发现有好的设计,就拍下来传到我的电脑里。
- Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. 不断追求技术上的卓越和优秀的设计,会增强敏捷。
- Indeed the whole point of having a good design is to allow rapid development. 事实上,所有良好设计的目的就是为了允许进行快速开发”。
- Good designing reduced actual construction to only a year. 由于设计工作搞得好,实际建设时间缩短到了一年。
- It is easy for a good designer to build a workable gas bearing. 一个好的设计者做出一个可工作的气体轴承并不难。
- Readability is a twin of simplicity, which is a good twin of good design. 可读性和简单化是一对双胞胎,也是一个好的设计的双胞胎。
- Good field supervision by the design engineer is necessary to ensure the proper execution of a good design. 需要设计工程师在现场进行认真的施工监督以保证良好设计的正确执行。