- The Aga is the good part of that. 这座阿格炉是说明此人地位的不可或缺的东西。
- The Staley's are still a good part of my life. 斯特利一家现在依然是我生活中一个重要部分。
- The cancellation left her unengaged a good part of the afternoon. 计划的取消使她下午有了一大块空闲的时间。
- A good part of the national income was spent on consumer goods. 国民收入的大部分用于消费。
- The heavy storms destroyed a good part of our crops. 几场暴雨把大部分庄稼都毁坏了。
- Risk is what separates the good part of life from the tedium. 风险把生活中的精彩篇章与单调无聊区分开。
- Many candidates waste a good part of their interview explaining why they want the job. 许多候选人在晤谈中浪费很多时间去解释他们为什么想从事这个职业。
- I hope you will take the advice in good part. 我希望你能愉快地接受这劝告。
- In traditional email, a good part of a user's day may be spent searching for background to support a current topic. 在传统的电子邮件系统中,用户一天中可能会将相当一部分时间花在搜索用来支持当前主题工作的背景信息上。
- He put a good part of his shyness down to the dominating influence of his mother. 他的大部分害羞可归于他母亲对他的控制影响。
- I spent a good part of two days fiddling with noise values, specular values, reflections etc. 我花费了对噪音价值感到拉小提琴的二天一个好部份,镜子的价值,及其他的反映。
- Mr Hall takes a joke against himself in good part. 霍尔先生对不利于他的笑话并不生气。
- A part of this urgent task was allotted to us. 这项紧急任务的一部分分给了我们。
- A good part of what I draw is UML diagrams, mostly class diagrams or object-interactions. 而我最擅长的就是UML图表,大部分都是类图和对象交互图。
- My inn had once been a part of an ancient ecclesiastical house. 我的客栈曾经是一个古老教会的房子的一部分。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- He took the teasing in good part. 他认为逗弄他并无恶意。
- Sure, consumers have lost a good part of their wealth, and this is reason enough for them to retrench. 消费者的财富大幅度缩水,这就理所当然地构成他们缩减开支的理由。
- The astronaut accepted danger was part of the job. 太空人承认他们的工作中包含著危险。
- But Bitesize and the rest are a really good part of the mix and I am sure that they will become better in the future. 但是,比特塞斯以及其他一些网站确是各种因素混合体中挺不错的一部分,而且我确信它们在将来会变得更加完善。”