- His upset looking gave rise to rumors that he had got in trouble with police. 他不安的神色引发了谣传说他与警方发生了某些纠葛。
- I told you so. I got in trouble for lying. 因为撒谎,我闯祸了。
- Jack got in trouble because he copied my test. 杰克麻烦大了,因为他考试抄我的。
- He got in trouble for stealing the money. 他偷了钱,结果惹上麻烦。
- Simon always seems to get in trouble. 西蒙总似乎会惹上麻烦。
- Will we get in trouble for slander? 我们陷入了诽谤的麻烦中了吗?
- Yes. I got in trouble a few times for falling asleep in class. 对。我也曾遇到过麻烦,因为有好几次上课时睡大觉。
- Many people got sick, and Nests got in trouble because of it. 当时许多人因此生了病,结果雀巢公司就倒霉了。
- I prayed for his financial support when my business got in trouble. 我的生意遇到麻烦时,我请求他在资金方面支持我。
- If you get in trouble, don't hesitate to ask for advice. 如果碰到麻烦, 要赶紧向人求教。
- I'm gonna get in trouble bigtime if I don't do my homework. 我要是不做作业的话,我的麻烦可就大了。
- I decide not to indic them,for not to get in trouble. 我们决定不起诉他们;免得惹事生非.
- It is, but usually no one gets in trouble for it. 是没错,不过通常没有人因为这样而惹上麻烦。
- What is Sid doing? Ski? Actually he gets in trouble! 希德在干吗?在滑雪么?其实他是遇到麻烦了!
- My son is always going places he shouldn't and getting in trouble. 我儿子总是去那些他不该去的地方,老是给我惹麻烦。
- If you do not abide by the traffic regulations,you will get in trouble. 如果您不遵守交通规则,你将会惹出麻烦。
- Come on guys, Let's break it up! We don't want to get in trouble for fighting. 别再吵好吗?我们总不想打起来,停下来。
- If you do not abide by the traffic regulations, you will get in trouble. 如果您不遵守交通规则,你将会惹出麻烦。
- I put my head on the block for my brother, so he wouldn't get in trouble. 我向哥哥自投罗网了,所以他不会惹上麻烦。
- He always gets in trouble for challenging his teacher. 他每次向老师提出质询都会惹上麻烦。