- Their marriage got off to rather a shaky start. 他们的婚姻一开始就有些不稳固。
- He's got off to a flying start in his new job. 他兴致勃勃地开始他的新工作。
- The speaker got off one or two very amusing jokes. 发言者讲了一两个很有趣的笑话。
- The train pulled in and all the passengers got off. 火车进站了,所有的乘客都下了车。
- It is impossible for him to get off the contract. 他不可能解除契约对自己的束缚。
- The petty thief got off with a fine. 小偷交了罚款就释放了。
- I got off on the wrong foot with Mr Smith. 初次见面我就给史密斯先生一个不好的印象。
- The marriage got off to a rocky start. 那婚姻一开始就不稳固。
- I can't get off the office treadmill. 我无法摆脱单调的坐班工作。
- She was lucky to get off with just a few bruises. 她幸免於难,只是有几处擦伤。
- Get off my back! Can't you see how busy I am? 别罗嗦!没看见我忙成什么样子吗?
- Jason saw me and got off the horse immediately. 杰逊看到我,立即从马上下来。
- The new scheme got off to a good start. 新计划一开始进展顺利。
- We got off at the terminal station. 我们在终站下车。
- They got off immediately after lunch. 他们吃过午饭马上就动身了。
- She got off at Victoria Station. 她在维多利亚车站下了车。
- He got off the bus and proceeded home on foot. 他下了汽车,步行回家。
- He got off with a nurse at the dance. 他在舞会上认识了一个护士。
- We got off immediately after breakfast. 我们吃完早餐就动身了。
- The train drew in and all the passengers got off. 列车缓缓驶进了车站,所有的乘客都下了车。