- You mustn't let yourself get into a rut. 你不能陷入老一套。
- She wants stirring up. She's got into a rut. 她希望奋起,她已经陷入俗套了。
- If you don't go out and meet new people, it's easy to get into a rut. 如果你不出门结识新朋友,你的生活就容易变得刻板乏味。
- The trouble with commuting to a nine-to-five job is that it is all too easy get into a rut. 乘公共车辆9点上班5点下班带来的麻烦是,人太容易按惯例行事了。
- Have you gotten into a rut at work?Would you like to be more engaged, satisfied, and fulfilled in your work? 你在工作中是否已经开始墨守成规,你是否希望在工作中更为投入并获取更多满足和成就感?
- The trouble with commuting to a nine - to - five job is that it is all too easy get into a rut. 乘公共车辆9点上班5点下班带来的麻烦是,人太容易按惯例行事了。
- I'd rather that you work independently and try to find new methods from failures than to get into a rut and achieve nothing. The mentor said to him. 我宁愿你独立工作,从失败中寻找新的方法,也不要你墨守成规,毫无建树,“导师对他说
- By the time Harold was forty, he realized that he had got into a rut. 哈罗德上了40岁时,意识到自己是墨守成规。
- By the time Harold was forty,he realized that he had got into a rut. 哈罗德上了40岁时,意识到自己是墨守成规。
- By the time Harold was forty, he realized that he had got into a rut and that there was nothing he could do about it. 哈罗德40岁的时候,他认识到自己已经是墨守成规,不思进取,并且对此毫无办法。
- By the time Harold was forty,he realized that he had got into a rut and that there was nothing he could do about it. 哈罗德40岁的时候,他认识到自己已经是墨守成规,不思进取,并且对此毫无办法。
- Don't get into a fuss about nothing. 别没事找事,自寻烦恼。
- She used to get into a state as exams approached. 她以前在考试到来之前总是非常紧张。
- as a scientist, you shouldn't get into a rut 作为科学家,你不应该墨守成规。
- stick to conventions; get into a rut 墨守成规
- Calm down there's no need to get into a lather about it! 冷静些--没有必要为这件事动肝火!
- There is no need to get into a stew; everything will be all right. 没有必要烦恼,一切都会好起来的。
- Don't get into a fight with him: he can really dish it out. 别跟他动手,他揍起人来可凶了。
- They got into a quarrel, whereupon she left him. 他们吵了一架,之后她就离开了他。
- I got into a real flap when I lost my keys. 我丢了钥匙,心里发慌。