- How Will the Government Establish a Financing Platform for High-Tech Industrialization? 政府如何搭建高新技术产业化的融资平台?
- A governmental establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war materiel. 军火库政府管辖的负责储存,发展,生产,试验或修理武器,弹药以及其他战备物资的机构
- In order to enforce fundamental of financial industries in Taiwan, our government establish milestones by taking several revamps in financial market. 为了强化我国金融体质,政府近十年来在金融市场所做的改革措施,奠定了台湾金融服务业的新里程碑。
- To avoid the construction of another generation of conventional coal plants, it is essential that the federal government establish incentives that promote CCS. 为了避免继续建造传统燃煤电厂,美国联邦政府建立促销CCS的奖励也十分重要。
- In 1972 the Labor Party to power, to EG Whitlam led the federal government establish diplomatic relations with The abolition of conscription in the country, and decided from troops. 1972年工党执政后,以E.;G
- The government established a quarantine for40 days in an effort to curb the high incidence of cholera. 政府为了控制霍乱的高发病率,确定了40天的隔离期。
- According to the Government establishing an Iraqi constitution will be a major step on the path towards stability. 政府称建立伊拉克宪法将是通向稳定的重要步骤。
- The US governing establishment, the authorities and the powerful should not choose irreversible paths. 美国的建设,权力不应该选择不可挽回的方式。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The government establishs various financial mechanism used in biodiversity conservation. 国家建立多种用于生物多样性保护的资金机制。
- So 60 years ago, the U.S. government established a hatchery to give them some human help. 于是在60年前,美国政府建立了孵卵所,为其提供人工帮助。
- Should governments establish guidelines for objective, reasonable and effective laws? 政府是否应有一套客观、合理、可行的法规藉以规范?
- St.Lucia 's former government established official ties with China in1997, ending its recognition of Taiwan. 圣卢西亚前政府1997年和台湾断交,转而承认中国大陆。
- The government established the kindness policy landless farmer employment training. 政府重视失地农民就业问题,制定了内容详尽的优惠政策。
- So, the German government established a rocket development center on the island of Peenemunde in the Baltic Sea. 因此,德国政府在波罗的海里的佩内明德岛上建立了一个火箭研制中心。
- So 60 years ago the U.S. government established a hatchery to give them some human help. 因此,60年前,美国政府建立了一个大马哈鱼孵卵所进行人工繁殖。
- From the above we can see that democracy constitutes the essence of the government established on the basis of the three-thirds system. 由此可见,三三制政权的实质是民主问题。
- Second,governments establish migrants'settlements,and make sure that their food and clothing problem is solved without damaging the ecological environment around the settlements. 二是政府建移民开发基地安置移民。既要保证可稳定解决迁入户的温饱问题,又要保证不破坏迁入地的生态环境。
- To the court too I should say why I plead guilty to the charge of promoting disaffection towards the Government established by law in India. 至于我的罪名--鼓动对印度依法建立的政府的不满,我也应该对法庭说明一下为什么我表示服罪。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。