- Economy Management Action of Government--One of the Cardinal Categories of Government Action Theory in Market System 政府经济管理行为--市场体制下政府行为理论的基本范畴之一
- government action theory 政府行为理论
- We need government action to prevent these crimes. 我们需要政府采取行动阻止这些罪行。
- Beyond that, the evidence of government action is less heartening. 除此之外,政府行动的迹象并不是那么令人鼓舞的。
- When government action finally came, it was misdirected and too late. 当政府最终采取行动时,却走了弯路,而且也太晚。
- Government action certainly makes a difference, though sometimes results are perverse. 毫无疑问,政府的举措至关紧要,但有时也会适得其反。
- As the core of communicative action theory of Habermas, language has its own rationality. 语言本身是带有理性特征的,哈贝马斯的交往理论强调以语言为核心。
- It is quite possible to conceive of a legal system in which any individual could bring suit to halt any government action that violated the law. 可以设想这样一种法律体系,在这个法律体系中,任何个人可以通过起诉来终止任何违犯环境法的政府行为。
- The individual plaintiff's demand for redress from illegal government action can exert a powerful countervailing claim on the court's sense of justice. 作为个人的原告要求因非法政府行为而得到补救的请求能够对法院的正义感施加强有力的反权利主张的影响。
- Background and Purpose: The selective action theory has been proposed to selectively strengthen the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) muscle via exercise. 摘要背景与目的:根据已被提出的选择性作用理论,经由运动可选择性强化股内斜肌;
- Constructivist translatology is grounded in communicative action theory, and has overwhelming advantages over the previous translation paradigms. 第四章,笔者引入一种新的翻译范式,即建构主义翻译学。
- Risk and regulation: can improved government action reduce the impacts of natural disasters? 改善政府行为能够减轻自然灾害的影响吗?
- This grim trajectory suggests an economic, as well as a political, rationale for government action. 这个可怕轨迹暗示政府行动的一个经济的,也是政治的基本原理。
- Community, business and health groups, as well as retailers, are also calling for government action, Kemball said. 建波尔说,社区、企业与健康组织,以及零售商等都呼吁政府采取行动。
- Sunan-model pays attention to government action, and Wenzhou-model gives first place to market regulation. 摘要“苏南模式”重政府作用,“温州模式”以市场调节为主。
- Go up in this foundation then, introduce and developed pragmatical action theory framework, the economy in using an explanation to be in uncertainty circumstances acts. 接着在此基础上,引入和发展了实用主义的行动理论框架,用来解释处于不确定性情境中的经济行动。
- Olympic Charter Rule 28(9) forbids government action that "causes the activity of the NOC ... to be hampered. 奥林匹克宪章第28条,29条中规定,禁止因政府行为“导致国家奥委会的活动受到阻碍。”
- Sincere as what Elinor Ostrom said, ' the policy analyst's box has many kinds of tools , but still lack a kind of concrete and clear collective action theory. 本文主要分为:(一)导论(二)文献回顾与理论基础(三)研究设计(四)中医总额支付制度的演变(伍)中医总额的自主管理(六)结论。
- The lesson of history is that early, decisive government action can stem the pain and cost of banking crises. 历史的教训是,政府及早、决断采取办法能够减轻危机造成的痛楚和支付的价钱。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。