- Certainly, in the long run, the financial level and the government level two should be corresponds. 当然,从长远看,财政层级与政府层级两者应该是对应起来的。
- At the local government level, however, the interests of officials and property developers are hard to disentangle. 但是在地方政府层面,官员们和房地产开发商之间的利益很难分解开来。
- FAO is planning to extend the training of more PDS/R teams at local government level to control the spread of the H5N1 virus in Indonesia. 粮农组织正计划在印度尼西亚地方政府一级培训更多的参与性疫病监测和应对小组,以便控制H5N1病毒的蔓延。
- "As long as the government level is determined, the two companies share the reorganization technically there is no obstacle. “只要政府层面下定决心,两家公司的股权重组在技术上不存在任何障碍。”
- Property: Mr Shen Jianzhong, Head of market supervision division of MOHURD, said no more measures should be expected from central government level. 房地产:住房和城乡建设部房地产市场监管司司长沈建忠表示,预计中央政府不会采取更多措施。
- Since the corporation was put into production in 1995, with the guide, strong support and help from all government level and friends several times over. 公司自1995年投产以来,在各级政府及各界友人的多方指导,大力支持和帮助下,生产技术水平迅速提高,生产规模得以成倍扩大。
- The issue has since become deeply embarrassing for the prime minister, although it has until now been raised at the party rather than the government level. 自那以来,这个问题已让安倍极其为难,虽然到目前为止它的提出仅限于政党层面,而没有出现在政府层面。
- The purpose of the research was to make a summing- up of consumption of E.government instrumentality in the implementation of social ideas on Lithuanian local government level. 由于农会系台湾地区组织体系最完整,会员人数最多,及最深入地方基层的人民团体。亦是具经济、社会、教育、政治等功能的多目标农民组织。
- With all that it is really necessary for us at Government level to rethink how much more we can do to encourage the private sector of both sides to come together at even greater speed to co- operate with each other. 基於这些因素,两地政府确实需要重新研究我们还可多做些甚麽,以鼓励两地私营机构加快走在一起,共同合作。
- Pascal Rechatin, the second guest on our “High Level Talks”, normally spends 70% of his time every year in traveling on business and in five-star luxury hotels. 由于工作的原因,在他的生活中,一年有百分之七十的时间在商务旅行中的五星级酒店中度过。
- Article 17 The competent authorities at the central government level may designate certain industries, and set forth by public notice the mandatory and prohibitory provisions of standard contracts to be used by them. 第17条(企业经营者使用定型化契约应向主管机关报备)中央主管机关得选择特定行业,公告规定其定型化契约应记载或不得记载之事项。
- Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is to meet Japan's trade minister this week, for the hightest level talks between the two sides since a row broke out last year. 这段话是我们的外交部长说的。说的很好,很明确的摆出了我们国家的意见。我拭目以待看看日本怎么应对这次的三天访问。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- In the word today, the chief Executive of a national government level will directly affect their international competitiveness ,national survival decisions with the increasingly fierce international competition. 同样在国际竞争日趋激烈的当今世界,一个国家的政府行政执行力的水平将直接影响其国际竞争力,决定民族的兴衰存亡。
- In recent years, how to improve the corporate governance level is one of the most popular topics. 近年来,如何改善和提高公司治理水平是经济领域的热门话题之一,“公司治理”日益成为理论界和实务界关注的焦点。
- For this reason IW staff members liaise with politics, the media, administrations of various government levels, and other institutions. 因此,研究所的研究人员与政界、媒体、政府各级行政部门和其他机构都有广泛的联系。
- FFO is represented in boards, councils and committees, on all three government levels (state, county and municipal levels). 在所有三个政府层面(国家、县级和市级层面),FFO在各个管理委员会、代表会和委员会都有代表。
- In fact, come from the durative policy helping city of governmental level, living in what try to change medium and small businesses predicament. 事实上,来自政府层面的持续性的救市政策,正在试图改变中小企业的生存困境。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府应为他的人民负责。