- They receive no government funding. 他们没有接受政府资助。
- Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding. 工业界的赞助是对政府拨款的补充。
- The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding. 这项工程由于缺乏政府的资助而不得不放弃。
- Such projects are not financially viable without government funding. 没有政府专款,这样的项目在资金上是不可行的。
- There have been large cuts in government funding for scientific research. 政府提供的科研资金已大幅度削减。
- The Land Fund has remained a separate government fund since the merger. 合并后,土地基金仍然是独立的政府基金。
- Are you receiving Australian Government funding to undertake your study? 你有否接受澳大利亚政府的学费赞助
- The scientists have reached the end of the road and can only continue the research if they receive more government funding. 科学家们已到穷途末路了,如果他们得到政府更多的资金,他们才能继续此项研究。
- The government funds basic research in many areas. 政府资助许多领域的基础研究。
- The school receives no government funding and relies on fundraising to underwrite its low fee structure. 该学校不享受政府拨款资助,整个组织的低成本架构是通过非官方经费来源的集资维持。
- Experts cite the lack of sports venues, a paucity of sports programs and stingy government funding as primary factors. 体育场所的短缺、学校运动项目的缺失、吝啬的政府拨款和人才基础的薄弱,是印度的主要问题。
- Apart from possible outside of a default fine, RPS does not need substantial government funding and management. 除了可能的违约罚金外,RPS不需要政府进行大量的资金筹集和管理工作。
- Right now, government funding for classes is sporadic and varies from state to state. 现在,资助课程的政府资金时有时无并且各州的差异很大。
- Government funds and special charges of a tax nature. 具有税收性质的政府性基金或专项性收费。
- NBAC plans to call for a continued ban on federal government funding for any attempt to clone body cell nuclei to create a child. NBAC打算呼吁长期禁止政府资助任何企图通过克隆细胞来产生婴儿的行为。
- Government funds were reallocated to the new local authorities. 政府基金已重新分配给新的地方当局。
- The CCIA is a world-leading organisation which receives no government funding and relies on sponsorship and fundraising to continue its activities. 澳洲儿童癌病会为世界主要非政府资助的研究机构,主要以捐款赞助作经费。
- Fairness aside, that's not a very politically tenable position, and that could impact the future of government funding for GM. 公平搁置,这不是一个非常政治上站得住脚的立场,并可能影响未来的政府资金,通用汽车.
- In America, the U.S.Olympic Committee [USOC] receives no government funding, and the burden falls mostly on the athletes’ families. 但美国奥委会并没有任何政府的支助,费用大多落在运动员的家庭。
- Spare-space reuse not only saves government funding by avoiding reconstruction, it also re-vitalizes the function of existing buildings and spaces. “闲置空间再利用”除了避免空间的重复投资,造成资源的浪费以外,也重新活化空间的机能。