- What Corporate Governance Structure Governs? 企业法人治理结构是管什么的?
- Perfecting the corporate governance structure. (三)完善法人治理结构。
- The sovereigns of the next 2,000-odd years followed the feudal governmental structure established by him. 两个主权国的下一个2000多人,几年之后,封建政府结构,建立了由他来决定。
- Our company has a healthy govern structure,a staff team with rich expertise and high effectiveness and efficience. 公司组织机构健全且拥有一支门类齐全、经验丰富、高素质、高效率的员工队伍。
- The corporation is a governance structure of labor relation. 摘要企业是一种劳动关系的治理结构。
- What kind of financial structure is what corporate governance structure. 有什么样的融资结构就有什么样的公司治理结构。
- The Board of Directors is the core of corporate governance structure. 董事会是股份公司治理结构的核心部分。
- These classes,some already awakened and others in the process of awakening,will necessarily become the basic components of the state and governmental structure in the democratic republic of China,with the proletariat as the leading force. 这些阶级,或者已经觉悟,或者正在觉悟起来,他们必然要成为中华民主共和国的国家构成和政权构成的基本部分,而无产阶级则是领导的力量。
- So long as they are revolutions in colonial or semi-colonial countries,their state and governmental structure will of necessity be basically the same,i.e.,a new-democratic state under the joint dictatorship of several anti-imperialist classes. 只要是殖民地或半殖民地的革命,其国家构成和政权构成,基本上必然相同,即几个反对帝国主义的阶级联合起来共同专政的新民主主义的国家。
- These classes, some already awakened and others in the process of awakening, will necessarily become the basic components of the state and governmental structure in the democratic republic of China, with the proletariat as the leading force. 这些阶级,或者已经觉悟,或者正在觉悟起来,他们必然要成为中华民主共和国的国家构成和政权构成的基本部分,而无产阶级则是领导的力量。
- So long as they are revolutions in colonial or semi-colonial countries, their state and governmental structure will of necessity be basically the same, i.e., a new-democratic state under the joint dictatorship of several anti-imperialist classes. 只要是殖民地或半殖民地的革命,其国家构成和政权构成,基本上必然相同,即几个反对帝国主义的阶级联合起来共同专政的新民主主义的国家。
- Within these broad similarities, however, there can be significant differences in governmental structures among the various states. 除了这些广泛的共同点,在不同州的政府结构中亦有明显的不同之处。
- On Property Right Structure and Private Corporate Governance Structures. 产权结构与我国民营企业治理。
- Key words] Hayek, duality viewpoint of the society order, corporation governance structure, evolution. 关键词]哈耶克、社会秩序二元观、企业治理结构、演化。
- Improve the corporate governance structure, and increase the listed companies'market competitive strength. 完善法人治理结构,增强上市公司的市场竞争力。
- A listed company shall establish a corporate governance structure sufficient for ensuring the full exercise of shareholders rights. 上市公司应建立能够确保股东充分行使权利的公司治理结构。
- Chapter 2 analyzes the current situation and problems on governance structure of HEPC. 第二章分析了湖南省电力公司治理结构现状,剖析了目前治理结构中存在的问题;
- The first part has expounded the governing structure problem, which exists in the state-owned business bank. 第一部分阐述了国有商业银行在治理结构方面存在的主要问题。
- Familial Contract with The Personal Family Corporate Governance Structures. 家庭契约与家族企业治理。
- In the reform, building up, standardizing and working efficiently of governance structure are both key and nodus. 这一改革中,治理结构的确立、规范及有效运转是关键,又是难点。