- What is the name of the governor General? 总督叫什么名字?
- He was praised for his meritorious service as governor general. 他做为总督由于有功受到了表彰。
- What is the name of the Governor General Adrienne Clarkson. 谁是加拿大的总督。
- The Governor General givers final approval to the bill. 总督给予议案最后的批准。
- He was roped in to play tennis with the Governor General. 他被围住和总督打网球。
- On my advice, the Governor General has agreed to prorogue Parliament. 总督采纳了我的建议,同意推迟国会。
- On my advice, the governor general has agreed to prorogue the parliament. 总督采纳了我的建议,同意推迟国会。
- Who is the Queen's representative in Canada The Governor General is the Queen's representative in Canada. 谁在加拿大代表女皇总督。
- How are senators chosen Senators are chosen by the prime minister and appointed by the Governor General. 上议院议员是如何产生的由首相挑选并经总督来委任的。
- Senators are chosen by the Prime Minister and appointed by the Governor General. 上议院议员是被首相拣选出来,而被总督委任。
- She is represented by the Governor General whose duties are purely formal and ceremonial. 总督是女王的代表,他的职能主要是礼仪性的。
- But the Canadian governor general granted permission to be suspended or prorogued until january the 26th. 但是加拿大总督同意国会暂停或者延期到1月26日。
- But the Canadian Governor General granted permission for Parliament to be suspended or prorogued until January the 26th. 但是加拿大总督同意国会暂停或者延期到1月26日。
- These provincial mints were under the control of a local provincial governor or governor general of a viceroyalty (as in the case of Kiangnan). 这些造币厂都是在地方省政府或省级直辖总督府(如江南)控制监督之下。
- The governor will keynote the convention. 州长将发表施政方针的演说。
- None of us had ever set eyes on a generator before. 我们过去谁也没看见过发电机。
- Diesel generator governor sensitivity test. 柴油发电机调速特性试验。
- The generator shuts off automatically. 这台发动机能自动停止运转。
- The governor was attacked by the press for failing to keep a campaign promise. 州长因没能履行一项竞选时的承诺而受新闻界抨击。
- Aimers said that even without the monarchy, Canada would still spend money on visiting foreign ambassadors and heads of state, and someone would be required to do the largely ceremonial governor general's job. 爱默斯还说,就算没有君主制,加拿大还是得为外国使节及元首的来访花钱,还是需要有人来担当基本上是礼节性的总督工作。