- Janet carried herself gracefully and attracted all the men present. 詹妮仪态万方,吸引了在场所有男人的注意。
- Her tallness was an added grace and beauty. 她的身高更增添了她的优美。
- The action was so graceful and inclusively benign. 这个动作是这样优雅、这样地充满了慈祥。
- I like the packaging which is novel and attractive. 我喜欢新颖美观的装潢。
- Her nylon-covered legs were slim and attractive. 她那穿着尼龙长袜的两条腿又苗条又漂亮。
- Her movements were easy, graceful and efficient. 她的动作轻松,优雅,利索。
- They are both graceful and winning and witty. 他们俩都是体面的,可爱的,聪明的。
- She is well-rounded and attractive. 她不仅身段好,而且很迷人。
- He has behaved himself graceful and perfect. 他已使自己的举止仪态变得高雅完美.
- Your hair will be elastic and attractive. 使头发烫后更有弹性,尽显迷人风采。
- Their designs are extraordinary and attractive. 它们的设计美观,很出色。
- The cottage has a rustic grace and beauty. 这个木棚有一种乡间的优雅和美丽。
- I want to make it more colorful and attractive. 我想让它变得更富有色彩,更加迷人。
- The grace and dignity were in her limbs and neck. 她的四肢和颈部有一种优雅、庄严的神态。
- She was a beautiful girl with the grace and poise of a natural model. 她是一个美丽的姑娘,有着模特儿的那种优雅姿态。
- You move through each day with grace and aplomb. 祝您的每一天都这样美丽而安详。
- Joanna has natural grace and elegance. 乔安娜具有自然的优雅风姿。
- Their breezy, outgoing personalities were strong and attractive. 她们活泼开朗的性格是坚强可爱的。
- The Lord of great grace and teacher of men, Buddha. 大恩教主。
- Grace and Catherine always walk to school together. 格雷斯和凯瑟琳总是一起步行到学校。