- Insolubles content of lubricating oils. 标准英文名: Petroleum products.
- grading of lubricating oils 润滑油分类
- Demulsibility Characteristics of Lubricating Oils, Method of Test for (05. 测定润滑油的乳化分解性的试验方法(05。
- Method for Estimating Apparent Vapor Pressures and Molecular Weight of Lubricating Oils (05. 评价润滑油的表观蒸气压力和分子重量的方法(05。
- Acid number of lubricating oil can be obtained by neutralizing standard acid solution and alkalinity substance of aqueous phase. 用标准酸溶液中和水相中的碱性物质,即可获得润滑油的酸值。
- Extraction of lubricating oils with furfural was studied by considering the effects of temperature and the ratio of furfural to oil. 实验研究糠醛精制过程中温度、醛油比对精制效果的影响.;结果表明糠醛精制润滑油存在一个最优操作温度区域;
- A low number; a low grade of oil. 一个小的数; 低级油
- A new method to measure TBN of lubricating oil,which is called cyclic voltammetric method,is introduced. 对总碱值检测法在设备润滑的全过程管理中的应用进行了介绍。
- Examine working status of the frame, degree of cleanness and oil level of lubricating oil termly. 定期检查托架的使用情况,定期检查润滑油的清洁度和油位。
- The synthesis and theory of diisopropyl phosphorodithioic arylic butyl ester for ashless additive of lubricating oil was studied. 阐述了硫磷酸系列润滑油无灰添加剂,二异丙基二硫代磷酸丙烯酸丁酯的反应原理、合成工艺。
- The supplement type lubricating oil additive is important for improvement of lubricating oil performances,with greater potential to develop. 补充型润滑油添加剂对改善和提高油品使用性能具有重要意义,有较大的发展应用潜力。
- A new extraction process of lubricating oils with N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone(NMP) as solvent has many advantages, and has been widely used all over the world. 甲基吡咯烷酮)润滑油精制是国外近年发展起来的一种性能较优的精制工艺。
- The technical characteristics and industrial trial-production of the first unit of lubricating oil hydrotreating in China were presented. 介绍了我国引进建设的第一套润滑油加氢处理的工艺特点和工业试生产情况。
- Its tribological properties as friction reducing and anti-wear additives of lubricating oil are evaluated with four-ball and reciprocation tribo-tester. 用四球及往复式摩擦试验机对其摩擦学性能进行了评价,结果表明:油酸铅具有良好的抗磨性能、显著的减摩性能和中等的极压性能。
- Grading of oral tests is quite subjective. 口语考试的打分是相当主观的。
- A Study of Seedling Grading of Mesua ferrea L. 铁力木苗木分级研究。
- This paper introduces to determine elements in lubricating oils by inductively coupled plasmaa tomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), This instrumnet has clipping and exact characteristic for inspection of lubricating oils. 摘要本文介绍用电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪(ICP-AES)测定润滑油中的元素含量,对润滑油的使用监测具有快速而准确的特点。
- Please advise the grade of fuel. 请问这是什么牌号的燃油?
- Inorganic nanoparticles as the additives of lubricating oils have been attracting increased attention,however,they are usually liable to agglomerate and have poor wettability in the lubricating oils. 无机纳米粒子润滑油添加剂具有良好的摩擦学性能,近年来得到了广泛重视,但其易团聚及润湿性差,碳与润滑油之间有良好的润湿性,且纳米铜/石墨复合粉体的应用研究少见报道。
- I got a grade of 85% on the English test. 我英文考试得85分。