- grain drying technology 粮食干燥工艺
- The technology of Infrared Radiation has become the focus of the application in grain drying due to its many advantages. 红外辐射干燥技术有众多的优点,在谷物干燥中的研究应用日益受到重视。
- Research on the Mechanism of Heat and Mass Transfer Enforcement and Synthesis Drying Technology for Vegetable Seed Safe Temperature for Grain Drying. NIAE Report No. 蔬菜种子的强化传热传质机理与综合干燥技术研究农业机械学报。
- In this paper, drying technology of Small Diameter Larch (SDL) is studied. 本文主要研究了小径落叶松锯材的常规窑干干燥工艺。
- F.W.Bakker-Arkema.State-of-the art and future research needs of off farm grain drying[J].ASAE Paper,1995:95-6133. 曹崇文;方建军.;小型内循环移动式粮食干燥机[J]
- Newest high efficient far infrared drying technology, high prductivity and smail installed power. 一机多用,综合兼容,一套设备可进行多样品种生产。
- Study on the moisture uniformity of paddy drying technology by employing air direction reversals. 稻谷换向通风干燥不均匀度的试验研究。
- GEA Niro A/S, of Copenhagen Denmark, the worlds leading supplier of drying technology. 哥本哈根的丹麦尼鲁公司是工业干燥技术应用的世界领导者。
- Objectitive To probe into using in Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae by drying technology of low-temperature adsorption. 目的探讨低温吸附干燥技术在陈皮干燥中的应用。
- Most of F1 hybrids among exotic inbred lines produced higher yield than that TNW for ear fresh weight and grain dry weight in the fall and winter crop seasons. 但在春作、秋作及冬里作环境下,大部份F1杂种其乳熟期之鲜果穗重及生理成熟期之果穗乾重及籽粒乾重均较对照种高产,特别是秋作及冬季里作更为突出。
- In this paper, the freeze-drying mechanism, drying technology and the constitution of equipments are introduced. 主要介绍了真空冷冻干燥技术的干燥原理、干燥工艺及冷冻干燥设备。
- The rela tionship among stress crack percentage and temperatur e and humidity was studied.The reasonable drying technology parameters were put forward. 通过试验分析了稻谷干燥爆腰率增值与空气温、湿度关系,提出了合理的增湿加热干燥工艺参数。
- Methods Through epidemiologic investigation, classified grains were collected according to different grain drying modes. 方法运用流行病学调查法分类采集大巴山区不同干燥方式下的粮食样品。
- In this paper, the mechanism of drying technology decreasing paddy stress crack by using humidified and heated air was analysed. 研究了增湿加热的稻谷干燥工艺减少爆腰产生的机理。
- Description of application, problem and solving method of rotary flashing drying technology in calcuim hypochlorite production are studied. 研究了旋转闪蒸干燥技术在漂粉精生产中的应用、存在问题及对策。
- In order to simplify structure of drier and save energy, the vertical-box-type grain drier heated by far infrared inside was designed. 为了简化烘干机的结构,节约能源,设计了竖箱式远红外谷物烘干机。
- The drying technology is most suitable for producing the powder or particle solid products from the materials, such as: solution, emulsion, soliquoid and pumpable paste states. 最适用于从溶液、乳液、悬浮液和糊状液体原料中生成粉状、颗粒状固体产品。
- The more content of SiO2 in binder and corundum in refractory material, the higher strength shell mold has.Chemical drying technology leads to the strength loss of... 粘结剂中二氧化硅含量越高型壳强度越高,耐火材料的刚玉相含量越高型壳强度越高,型壳采用化学干燥硬化导致强度降低。
- The current situation of grain drying in China 中国谷物干燥的现状