- I will rather sing grand opera than listen to it. 我情愿自己唱大歌剧也不要去听它。
- I would rather sing grand opera than listen to it. 我情愿自己唱大歌剧也不要去听它。
- The grand opera has really clicked with young people. 这出大歌剧博得年轻人的好评。
- Nce a music teacher took her class to their first grand opera. 一位音乐老师带学生去欣赏一流的大型歌剧。
- Personally, I find the entire presentation upon the Tower reeks of Grand Opera. 就我个人而言,试炼塔上展示的全部就象一场让人恶心的大歌剧。
- Like grand opera,the tale of the megafloods is replete with exotic adventures and tragic heroes. 如同大歌剧一般,大洪水的故事充满了奇异的冒险和悲剧英雄。
- Like grand opera, the tale of the megafloods is replete with exotic adventures and tragic heroes. 如同大歌剧一般,大洪水的故事充满了奇异的冒险和悲剧英雄。
- Like grand opera , the tale of the megafloods is replete with exotic adventures and tragic heroes. 如同大歌剧一般,大洪水的故事充满了奇异的冒险和悲剧英雄。
- In Beijing on stage performances in the past, some think the audience is set luxury Grand Opera production, big. 在北京舞台上以往的演出中,有些观众以为布景豪华才是歌剧大制作、大手笔。
- One of the principal comedy companies of the day was playing an engagement at the Grand opera House. 当时一家主要的喜剧团正在大歌剧院按合同进行演出。
- It cannot, for instance, house a grand opera because its opera stage is too small. 事实证明,那是不行的,建了一个豪华的剧院因为可活动的空间太少了。
- Open Country, Zhang Qian and Cang Yuan can be viewed as peaks of creative attainment in the field of serious grand opera in the new era. 《原野》、《张骞》、《苍原》可视为新时期严肃大歌剧创作的高峰。
- Arts patron Mrs.Claypool intends to pay pompous opera star Lassparri $1,000 per performance.Hey, maybe that's why they call it grand opera! 本片是喜剧组合马克斯兄弟享誉最高的一部名作。
- He joked that the audience had been listening to grand opera, but from then on the station would be presenting "the grand ole opry. 他开玩笑表示听众就像是听了一场大型歌剧,从那时起,电台就以大奥普里来介绍这些电台节目。
- And the grand opera of this formula is the clear lung that by Guangdong name the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine recommends alexipharmic soup. 而该款套餐的重头戏便是由广东名中医推荐的清肺解毒汤。
- In every form, from serenade to fugue, from piano concerto and symphony to the heights of grand opera, Mozart seduces, enchants, invades the memory, forces wonderment. 莫扎特的一切音乐形式,从小夜曲到赋格曲,从钢琴协奏曲交响曲到高层次的大歌剧,无一不引人入胜,令人陶醉,侵入人们的记忆,令人叹服。
- And at every opportunity, from the grand Opera Ball to the smallest of musical gatherings, Viennese swoon together in the city's famously romantic waltz. 在每个场合,无论是辉煌的大剧院还是小型的音乐聚会,维也纳人都陶醉在这个城市浪漫的华尔兹舞曲中。
- IN THIS ARTICLE: In the name of the theatre that is grand opera, stage drama murder and mayhem are brought to radio stations worldwide each year, thanks to New York's Metropolitan Opera, broadcasting in a tradition that is nearly 70 years old. 本文简介:被称为戏剧,但实际是大型歌剧舞台剧中的谋杀和故意伤害情节每年都被搬上世界各地的广播电台,这要归功于纽约的大都会歌剧院将广播歌剧这一传统沿袭了近70年。
- So polite and so impressible was Monseigneur, that the Comedy and the Grand Opera had far more influence with him in the tiresome articles of state affairs and state secrets, than the needs of all France. 大人彬彬有礼,敏感多情,在处理今人生厌的国家大事和国家机密时,喜剧和大歌剧对他的影响要比整个法国的需要大得多。
- The kitchen is domestic decorate " grand opera " , concerned expert points out, although the kitchen is small, can want decorate to get " practical, beautiful, safe " still need to expend consider. 厨房是家庭装潢的“重头戏”,有关专家指出,厨房虽小,可要装潢得“实用、美观、安全”还需费思量。