- graphic character composition 图像字符合成, 图形字符合成
- The northern European graphic character set. 北欧图形字符集。
- The Arabic graphic character set. 阿拉伯图形字符集。
- The eastern European graphic character set. 东欧图形字符集。
- The Cyrillic graphic character set. 西里尔图形字符集。
- The southern European graphic character set. 南欧图形字符集。
- The Turkish graphic character set. 土耳其图形字符集。
- The Greek graphic character set. 希腊图形字符集。
- The Hebrew graphic character set. 希伯来图形字符集。
- The western European graphic character set. 西欧图形字符集。
- A graphic character is fixed length 2 bytes per character. 图形化字符都采用固定长度,每字符2字节。
- A term used with respect to graphic character to identify type or style("bold face","an OCR face"). 一种关于图形字符的术语,用以确定其类型或字体,如黑体、光学字符体。
- A term used with respect to graphic character to identify type or style(" bold face", " an OCR face" ). 一种关于图形字符的术语,用以确定其类型或字体,如黑体、光学字符体。
- A graphic character that represents an integer, one of the characters 0 to 9. 一个表示整数的形象字符(即0到9中的任一个)。
- In character recognition, a straight line or arc used as a segment of a graphic character. 在字符识别中,用以构成图形字符中某一小段的直线或弧。
- A graphic character set that consists of symbols used in one of the two common Japanese phonetic alphabets. 一种图形字符集,由两种通用的日本语音字母(平假名和片假名)中的一种(即平假名)所使用的符号组成,每个字符用一个字节表示。
- The character class name for graphics characters. 表示图形字符的字符分类名称。
- In a natural language, a graphic character that represents an object or a concept and associated sound elements. Example : A Chinese ideogram or a Japanese Kanji. 在某种自然语言中,只表示事物或概念含意及其相关的发音元素的一种图象字符。例如汉语的表意字或日语汉字。
- A graphic character set consisting of symbols used in Japanese ideographic alphabets. Each character is represented by two bytes. 在日语表意文字中使用的、由符号组成的一种图形字符集,其中的每个字符都用二个字节来表示。
- laser Chinese character composition system 激光汉字排版系统