- Displays the selected English subtitle with audio, translation into the native language, keywords from the subtitle with English definition or contextual explanation alongside graphic illustration. 显示配有声音的字幕,翻译,字幕中的关键词及其英语定义或者是带有图片的上下文解释。
- With graphical illustrations and animation features, this modeling technique has proided iid and intuitie information. 对动力学评价,确定了椎间盘和小关节受力,并可视化。
- The following graphic illustrates the major layers of the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) architecture. 下图说明了Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)体系结构的主要层。
- Find the year of your birth on the illustration. 在插图上找一找你出生的年分。
- The text is accompanied by illustration. 正文附有插图。
- Illustration is used in teaching children. 儿童教育中常使用图示法。
- The times of meridian passage, rising and setting of the planets are graphically illustrated in this handy almanac. 行星在香港中天和出没的时间则以图表显示。
- Serving as an illustration; typical. 典范的作为例证的; 代表性的
- Important procedures for preparing a solder joint are graphically illustrated in this catalog on page 48. 焊料连接准备工作的重要步骤在本样本第48页中有图文并茂的描述。
- The irresistible power of conditioning is graphically illustrated by Boston Celtics great Larry Bird. 无与伦比的调整能力在波士顿克尔特人队了不起的拉里博德身上生动的体现出来。
- This illustration shows a section through the timber. 本图所示为木材的纵剖面。
- The newspaper article gave a graphic description of the earthquake. 报纸文章生动地描述了地震的情况。
- The exposure during the 1970's of the FBI's extensive efforts to suppress political dissent graphically illustrates this risk. 70年代时期,联邦调查局大举镇压持不同政见者,即生动地证明了这一危险。
- Fine lines used in graphic arts to show shading. 影线在书画刻印艺术中用于表示阴影部分的细线。
- As is graphically illustrated in the picture, we can hardly refuse to notice a boiling hotpot filled with diversity of ingredients of multi-cultures. 正如图画形象的描述,我们不难看到一个沸腾的火锅里盛满了各种文化元素。
- A rock falling to the ground is an illustration of gravity. 石块落地是地球引力的一个实例。
- This illustration is cleverly tied in with the content. 这幅插图与内容配合得很巧妙。
- That's a typical illustration of his meanness. 那是说明他为人卑鄙的典型例子。
- The graphic arts include calligraphy and lithography. 平面造型艺术包括书法和平版印刷术。
- Citicorp offers a second provocative illustration. 花旗银行提出了第二个引起争论的实例。