- A graphical tool to make file backup simpler. 图形化的工具使文件备份简单。
- A user-friendly graphical tool for using CVS. 一个友好的图形协作版本系统(CVS)工具。
- If you want to use a direct input, SSIS Designer provides Query Builder, a graphical tool for creating SQL queries. 如果要使用直接输入,SSIS设计器提供了查询生成器,这是用于创建SQL查询的图形工具。
- The site can be navigated to locate species using text classification or a graphical tool, both linked to the evolutionary tree of life. 网站可以利用文字或是图形方式将读者引导至物种页面,并连结到相关的生命演化树。
- GIOR is a graphical tool that can be used to decode CORBA-IOR strings. As feature one can ping associated objects to test liveliness and respondance. GIOR是一个用来对CORBA-IOR字符串解码的图形化工具,提供了与对象相关的方法来测试活动性和响应性。
- And there are thousands of other graphic tools and programs around. 除此之外还有上千种图像工具和程序。
- SSIS Designer is a graphical tool for creating packages that includes separate tabbed design surfaces for building the control flow, data flow, and event handlers in packages. SSIS设计器是一个图形化工具,用于创建包括单独选项卡式设计图面的包,这些设计图面用于构建包中的控制流、数据流和事件处理程序。
- In the preprocessor module, using ACIS geometry modeling technique and HOOPS graphic tool package provides interactive platform and realizes the cooperative visualization. 在前处理模块,将ACIS几何造型引擎和HOOPS图形工具包进行再次开发,为复杂模型的创建和编辑提供了交互界面,并实现了电磁场前处理模块的协同可视化。
- Shows an easy, resource efficient way to construct a dynamic graphical tool bar which outlines a button when moved over and processes code when clicked on. 展示了用一种方便的资源有效的途径来创建一个动态的图形化的工具条,在鼠标掠过时显现一个按钮,在点击时处理代码。
- GIOR - GIOR is a graphical tool that can be used to decode CORBA-IOR strings. As feature one can ping associated objects to test liveliness and respondance. GIOR是一个用来对CORBA-IOR字符串解码的图形化工具,提供了与对象相关的方法来测试活动性和响应性。
- Experience in basic graphic tools (i. E. Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. 有基本图像处理工具方面经验(如
- Create a Dynamic, Custom Toolbar - Shows an easy, resource efficient way to construct a dynamic graphical tool bar which outlines a button when moved over and processes code when clicked on. 展示了用一种方便的资源有效的途径来创建一个动态的图形化的工具条,在鼠标掠过时显现一个按钮,在点击时处理代码。
- Developers get a familiar experience, and database administrators get a single comprehensive tool that combines easy-to-use graphical tools with rich scripting capabilities. 开发人员可以获得熟悉的体验,而数据库管理员可获得功能全的单一工具,其中包含易于使用的图形工具和丰富的脚本撰写功能。
- SQL Server graphical tools require VGA or higher resolution: at least 1,024x768 pixel resolution. SQL Server图形工具需要VGA或更高分辨率:分辨率至少为1,024x768像素。
- Integration Services is a set of graphical tools and programmable objects for moving, copying, and transforming data. Integration Services是一组图形工具和可编程对象,用于移动、复制和转换数据。
- A graphic tool based on MySQL database system and Kylix graphic tool is introduced. Using this tool, audit information in log files can be scanned quickly and graphic statistic of the result is presented. 基于MySQL数据库和Kylix图形开发工具,开发了一个快速查询Linux系统审计日志的图形化工具,并可对查询的日志信息进行统计分析,提高了系统审计日志的实用性。
- In order to beautify a page,there are graphic tools like Photoshop,CorelDraw and Freehand. 为美化页面,可用图形工具,如Photoshop、CorelDraw和Freehand。
- Microsoft has provided graphical tools for managing virtually all NT operations.But NT is confronted with what we might call the enterprise glass ceiling. 微软公司已提供的图形工具,实际上能管理所有的NT操作,但NT面临着一个我们可以称之为企业玻璃天花板的情形。
- Provides information for package designers who build data transformation solutions using the graphical tools that Integration Services provides. 提供使用Integration Services提供的图形工具生成数据转换解决方案的包设计器的信息。
- In order to beautify a page, there are graphic tools like Photoshop, CorelDraw and Freehand. 为美化页面,可用图形工具,如photoshop、coreldraw和freehand。