- Graphite is a soft black substance. 石墨是一种软而黑的物质。
- Graphite is used in making lead pencils. 石墨常被用来做成铅笔。
- graphite eutectoid 石墨共析量
- The eutectoid compounds are very slow in forming. 共析物的形成是非常缓慢的。
- Graphite is chemically allied to diamond. 石墨和金刚石在化学组成上有联系。
- The eutectoid reactions which can occur are extremely sluggish. 可能发生的共折反应是非常缓慢的。
- Graphite is the most common form of carbon. 碳最常以石墨的形态存在。
- Processed by pressing flexible graphite in mold. 由柔性石墨材料模压制而成。
- Production of high power graphite electrode. 高功率石墨电极生产。
- Graphite is chemically allied to diamond . 石墨和金刚石在化学组成上有联系。
- And processing of graphite electrodes for knives. 和石墨电极加工的专用刀具。
- We mainly export graphite electrode and cement etc. 我公司主要出口石墨电极,水泥等。
- The graphite is mined in Ceylon. 石墨开采自锡兰。
- Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. 石墨炉原子吸收法
- Based on the analysis of eutectoid transformation of SG (spheroidal graphite) iron, the numerical model of formation of ferrite and pearlite during the eutectoid transformation was improved. 摘要通过对球墨铸铁件共析转变的分析,改进了球铁件中铁素体与珠光体形成的数学模型。
- In this paper, the mathematical and physical model was developed based on the thermodyna mics and solidification theory before the eutectoid transformation of spheroidal graphite cast iron occurred. 基于球墨铸铁发生固态相变之前的热动力学和凝固原理建立了数值模拟的物理数学模型。
- Flaky graphite is one of the best mineral in the nature. 鳞片石墨矿是自然界可浮性最好的矿物之一。
- Graphite powder for synthetic diamond are available upon request. 可以按照客户要求提供粉末状人造金刚石碳素。
- It is iron and graphite that the impurity is common. 杂质常见为铁质和石墨。