- Autonomy in Grass Root Organizations 基层自治
- The Exploration of the Most Advanced Value Objective of Grass Roots Organization of CPC. 基层党组织建设的最高价值目标新探。
- the Party' s grass - roots organizations 基层党组织
- The hut was made of poles covered with grass mats. 茅屋用木杆搭成,上面以草席覆盖。
- the CPC grass- root organizations 党的基层组织
- She sat down on a tuft of grass. 她坐在一小块草地上。
- The grass- roots organizations of the Party, which underpin the work of the Party and its effectiveness, should constantly work on their self- improvement in response to the new situation and new tasks. 党的基层组织是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础,要适应新形势新任务的要求,不断加强和改进基层组织建设。
- The grass was wet with dewdrops. 草被露水浸湿了。
- We must not forget about the grass roots. 我们绝不能忘记民众。
- Physiological studies continued to provide evidence that important root traits including root morphology, root architecture and root organic acid exudation play important roles in P uptake efficiency and adaptation to adverse soil conditions. 生理研究的结果不断取得进展,证明根系性状(括根形态、构型和根有机酸分泌物)磷吸收效率和适应不利的土壤条件所起的重要作用。
- The grass- roots organizations of the Party,which underpin the work of the Party and its effectiveness,should constantly work on their self- improvement in response to the new situation and new tasks. 党的基层组织是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础,要适应新形势新任务的要求,不断加强和改进基层组织建设。
- He went to grass after being hit in the head. 头部被猛击一下后,他颓然倒下。
- This paper gives a summary of the representative lycopsids of the Middle-Late Devonian, and investigates the variation and differentiation of their reproduction structures, root organs and anatomical characters. 摘要对中晚泥盆世代表性的石松植物做了归类总结,并分析了其生殖结构、根器官和解剖特征的分化。
- Do you prefer grass or hard courts? 你喜欢草地球场还是硬地球场?
- The cow began to ruminate after eating up grass. 牛吃完草后开始反刍。
- The faulty lawnmower chewed the grass up. 那部有毛病的割草机把草坪弄坏了。
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 试图用暴力消除异端邪说是徒劳的。
- He lay outstretched on the grass. 他手脚摊开躺在草地上。
- The wet grass sparkles in the sun. 太阳使湿草闪闪发光。
- The egg nestled in the long grass. 蛋隐藏在高草中。