- He who thinks himself wise is a great fool. 自作聪明者是大傻瓜。
- I am made a great fool of, one way and another. 我真闹了个里外不是人。
- What a whopping great fool he is! 他是个十足的大傻瓜!
- The more riches a fool hath, the greater fool he is. 傻瓜越富越蠢。
- A fool always finds a greater fool than himself. 愚人总以为旁人比自己更傻。
- The more riches a fool hath,the greater fool he is. 愚人越富越蠢。
- A fool always finds a greater fool who admires him. 傻子总是会发现还有更大的傻蛋在羡慕他.
- A knowledgeable fool is a greater fool than an ignorant fool. 一个学识渊博的傻瓜比一个愚昧无知的蠢人还要愚蠢。
- The greatest fool ise he who worries about what he cannotc help. 操心无法可想的事是最大的傻瓜。
- Those who buy high above the EMA pay above value, hoping to meet a greater fool who will pay them even more. 在均线之上太高的地方买的人,希望能等到傻瓜,其实是要自己买单的。
- Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer. 即使对较有准备的人来说,考试也是难对付的。因为最大蠢才也可能提出最聪明的人难以回答的问题。
- That is why investors get lured into buying dotcom stocks in the hope that a “greater fool” will purchase them at a higher price. 正因为如此,人们会禁不住诱惑去买网络股,希望会有“更大的傻瓜”在更高的价格购买这些股票。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。
- That a greater fool than Jane Eyre hand(是不是had?)never breathed the breath of life;that a more fantastic idiot had never surfeited herself on sweet lies, and swallowed poison as if it were nectar. 纵然是个再爱幻想的痴人,不会让自己沉溺在甜腻的谎言中无法自拔,不会将毒药当甘露般饮用。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。
- That a greater fool than Jane Eyre had never breathed the breath of life;that a more fantastic idiot had never surfeited herself on sweet lies, and swallowed poison as if it were nectar. 没有比简爱更傻的人了,从未感受过生命的气息,也找不到比简爱更喜欢做白日梦的人了,把自己沉溺在甜蜜的谎言当中,把毒药当成琼浆玉液。
- I heard John was the republican's great white hope. 我听说约翰是共和党人寄予巨大希望的人。
- It was a great blow to her when her mother died. 她母亲去世对她是个沉重的打击。