- great prime factor 最大素因数
- In this paper, a self-permuting in-place prime factor FFT parallel algorithm is presented, and its implementation on a YH computer is described. 本文提出一种自排序同址素因子FFT并行算法,并介绍了这种算法在银河(YH)机上的实现。
- It transforms the operation of the 840points DPT to the operation of the prime factor 3,5,7,8 points DPT. 它将840点的DFT运算转变成为素因数3、5、7、8点的DFT运算。
- This hardware quarantine has been a prime factor in the nonhappening of this future. 这种硬件隔离已经成为系统不会在未来出现的主要因素。
- The sum of any two elements has an even number of prime factors. 其中任何两个元素之和有偶数个素因子。
- It is at this stage that the spacious conception and extremely vital organization of the League of Nations presents itself as a prime factor. 在这个阶段中,国际联盟这个广泛的概念和极端重要的机构就成为一个重要的因素。
- The conduct and behavior of the parties involved and especially that of the defaulting party is therefore a prime factor to be considered. 由此,合同和有关双方当事人,特别是违约方的行为和举动是主要的考虑因素。
- Do not forget to enter all prime factors, even when a prime factor repeats several times! 不要忘了输入所有的质因数,即使此质因数重复了好几次!
- Astrologer Bhavesh Pattni says nine is "supreme" because it is the greatest prime number. 星占家巴威石帕特尼说9是"至高无上"的,因为它是最大的个位数。
- Raised the differential method of resolving rational f unction into fractions, and formulas were suggested of the coefficients which co rrespond to liner factor and quadratic prime factor. 根据有理函数及其导数性质;用微分法把有理函数分解为部分分式的和;给出了一次因式所对应的部分分式各系数和二次质因式前两对系数的计算公式.;此方法克服了初等恒等变换法通过解方程组确定系数;运算过程繁琐、算量大的缺点;也体现了高等数学知识的连贯性
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。
- The prime factors of a quantity are all of the prime quantities that will exactly divide the given quantity. (质因数)在算术中因数为质数者称之为素因数。
- For me the prime factors are performance and the ability to give feedback to the engineers. 对我而言,最基本的(选择车手的)因素是表现力和给工程师反馈信息的能力。”
- The cutting up of each 3-manifold is somewhat analogous to the factorization of a number into a unique product of prime factors. 把三维几何切开来,就类似于把一个数字分解成质数的乘积。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。
- Renal deficiency is the basic invasive factor,depressed vital qi is the priming factor and humid heat and blood stasis are the pathological products. 认为肾虚是发病的根本,气郁是发病的启动因素,湿热瘀血是病理产物。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。
- I heard John was the republican's great white hope. 我听说约翰是共和党人寄予巨大希望的人。
- It was a great blow to her when her mother died. 她母亲去世对她是个沉重的打击。