- You have shown great strength of character. 你表现得很有毅力。
- Therein has been his great strength. 这一向都是他的巨大力量所在之处。
- The farmers beat their drums with great strength. 农民们使劲地敲打着锣鼓。
- Her great strength lies in her flexibility. 她的优势在于她灵活变通。
- Many hands provide great strength. 人多势众。
- She shows great strength of will. 她表现出了坚强的意志力。
- He has an intrepid disposition, and great strength. 他生性悍勇,力大过人。
- The iron croos and the handstand both require great strength. 字支撑和手倒立需要极大的力量。
- The beak of the eagle is shaped like a hook of great strength. 喙部呈有力的勾状。
- Did Hercules know how to control his great strength?What happened? 赫尔克里斯知道怎么控制自己的大力气吗?发生了什么事?
- Her decision to continue shows great strength of will. 她决心坚持下去,显示出了很大的意志力。
- Thus do we always risk ourselves to wield our great strength. 因此我们一直冒着自身的危险施展我们的力量.
- Did Hercules know how to control his great strength? What happened? 赫尔克里斯知道怎么控制自己的大力气吗?发生了什么事?
- This is one of the great strengths of my country. 这就是我的国家的一大优点。
- The greatest strength and wealth is self-control. 自制是世界上最强大的力量和财富。
- It took great strength to resist the pressure of the authorities. 顶住当局的压力花了很大的劲。
- The iron cross and the handstand both require great strength. 十字支撑和手倒立都需要极大的力量。
- She also has shown great strength in attracting votes from women. 她在吸引女性选民方面也做了大量的工作。
- Having or showing great strength or force or intensity. 拥有或表现出强大的力量、影响力和张力。
- His greatest strength was his honesty. 诚实是他最大的长处。