- She enjoys reading the classics, ie the great works of literature. 她喜欢读经典着作.
- She enjoys reading the classics,ie the great works of literature. 她喜欢读经典着作.
- The book doesn't pretend to be a great work of literature. 这本书并未自封为文学杰作。
- PK: The Another Pattern of Motherly Love in the Great Works of Literature 较量:文学经典中的另类母爱表达
- Mona Lisa is a great work of art. 《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》是一幅伟大的艺术品。
- Hanfeizi is a great work of the Legalist school. 《韩非子》是一部法家名著。
- A great work of art can have no meaning. 一件伟大的艺术作品也可以没有任何意义。
- The Forbidden City is one of the world's greatest works of architecture. 紫禁城是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。
- great works of literature 文学巨著
- The category of literature consisting of works of this kind. 写实文学包括此类作品的文学种类
- For all musicians, read great literature and study great works of art, as this will enhance your music. 对于所有成为音乐家的人来说,必须阅读大量有关作品和文献,研究大型作品和艺术,因为只有这样才能提高你的音乐才能。
- Good predominates over evil in many works of literature. 在许多文学作品中正义战胜邪恶。
- Employed in works of providence and in greater work of redemption. 受聘于工程的普罗维登斯和在更大的工作,赎回。
- Unfortunate that the English language should transform a great work of French literature into a mock-Italian novelette. 不幸的是,一本如此负有盛名的法国名著被译成英语后,竟成了一篇模仿意大利短篇小说的蹩脚货。
- Address,as a work of literature,in a style less formal than a dedication. 以不像奉献那么正式的方式把一件艺术品呈送给别人。
- Any great work of art is great because it creates a special world of its own. 任何伟大的艺术品之所以伟大,是由于它创造了自己特有的世界。
- What is meant by popularizing and by raising standards in works of literature and art? 什么是文艺工作中的普及和提高呢?
- All the teachers showed great interest in the courses including speaking and recitation, language utilization and practice, the appreciation of famous works of literature and so on. 课程包括普通话口语与朗诵、课堂语言应用与实习、文学名著名篇赏析等科目。
- Such a great work require the expenditure of much money and time. 这么庞大的工作需花许多金钱和时间。
- The category of literature comprising works of this kind,including novels and short stories. 小说类由这类文学作品,包括小说和短篇小故事