- Greater clarity in mission objectives. 任务目标更加清楚。
- His writing has great clarity of style. 他的写作风格清晰易懂。
- They discussed the matter at greater length, and with greater clarity. 他们讨论的时间越长,对这个问题也就越清楚。
- With this knowledge, we can prioritize functions with great clarity. 了解了这些,我们能够非常清晰地对这些功能进行优先级排序。
- Lightning- The effecting of some weighty business with great clarity and force. 闪电-予繁重的生活以新鲜生气的促动力。
- If you described them to me, I would no doubt be able to recollect them with greater clarity. 如果你向我描述他们一下的话,我确定更能清楚记起他们来。
- He is not only a gifted thinker, but one who can write on technical subjects with great clarity and simplicity. 他不仅是一位具有天赋的思想家,而且可以用简洁明了的语言撰写技术方面的文章。
- We will also explore how it works, and how you can use it most effectively to see Time-Varying RF signals with greater clarity than ever before. 我们还将考察其工作方式,及怎样最有效地使用这一技术,更加清楚地查看随时间变化的RF信号。
- In his message to the conference Kennedy defined his conception of the occasion with great clarity. 肯尼迪在对会议的贺信中,非常清楚地说明了他对当时形势的看法。
- Lightning - The effecting of some weighty business with great clarity and force. 闪电-给予繁重的生活以新鲜生气的促动力。
- The greater clarity that one ascends into, the more of the old thought-form blocking the manifestation of dream is dismantled. 你提升入更大的明晰,更多阻碍梦想显化的思想形态被拆除。
- Let me repeat that I have split up mechanically the three separate planes on which we listen merely for the sake of greater clarity. 让我再重复一遍,我将听音乐的过程机械地分成了三个独立的层次,目的只是为了看得更清楚一些。
- SANYO Security Systems of Chatsworth, California, has developed a new technology for reproducing images more naturally and with greater clarity. 三洋安全系统公司(加利福尼亚州,查茨沃斯)开发出一种新技术能使再现的图像更自然和清晰。
- Try to avoid using the combination of black as a back ground with warm color text, as it might be great clarity wise but has a tendency to make visitors nauseous. 要避免使用黑色背景搭配暖色文字,虽然这样可以做到分明但有让访问者感觉厌烦的趋势(太刺眼)。
- With the launch of a huge domestic market, the relevant company's growth trajectory leading to greater clarity, which fostered by long-term investments worth investors the opportunity to focus on. 随着国内庞大内需市场的启动,相关龙头公司的成长轨迹将更为清晰,其中所孕育的长线投资机会值得投资者重点关注。
- Everything you do that sharpens and hones your ability to think with greater clarity before acting, will benefit you and help you to move upward and onward more rapidly in your career. 你行动之前为磨砺你的思考能力使之更加的清晰而所做的一切, 都会给你带来好处,帮助你在事业上更加快速的向上向上再向上。
- You have selected with great clarity the parentage that genealogically provides you with the fullest accessibility to combinations of light-encoded filaments that can potentially evolve. 你们已经选择伟大透明的出身,它是家族提供给你潜在进化的完全可以达到光编码丝结合物。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The poem showed great intensity of feeling. 这篇韵文表现出强烈的激情。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。