- green chemical cleaning 绿色化学清洗
- Shanghai Foreve Green Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. 上海复爱绿色化学技术有限公司。
- The green chemical is a new concept. 绿色化学是一种理念。
- Chemical Cleaning for CFB Boiler of Power Plant of Dalian Chemical Industry Co. 一台热电厂循环流化床锅炉的化学清洗。
- Chemical cleaning and oil flushing of hydraulic pressure system of UTSP, Tang Steel Co. 唐钢薄板厂液压系统化学清洗油冲洗。
- Online chemical cleaning of circulating water of Kaihua Synthetic Materials Co., Ltd. 开化合成材料有限公司循环水系统的在线清洗。
- It introduced that Hastelloy alloy’s phylogeny, characteristic,style and chemical cleaning technique in installation . 本文介绍了哈氏合金的发展历史、特点、类型以及在安装制造过程中的清洗方式。
- It was pointed out that using the regenerated biological energy to produce chemical fiber raw material EG,the lack of PET raw material EG can be solved,the green chemic... 指出利用可再生生物能源生产化纤原料EG既能解决聚酯原料EG短缺,又能发展绿色化工产品。
- The cleaning methods of mash scale cover chemical cleaning (soda boiling and pickling process), CIP cleaning, and high pressure water washing. 醪垢的清洗方法有化学清洗法(碱煮法、酸洗法)、CIP冲清洗法、高压水射流清洗法。
- Dimethyl carbonate(DMC) is a an important green chemical imtermediate in organic synthesis. 碳酸二甲酯(DMC)是一种重要的绿色有机合成中间体。
- I got very surprised when she led me into an apartment building, which smelled like frying food, chemical cleaning sprays and incense! 我很吃惊,因为她把我带进了一幢充斥着油煎食品、化学清洁剂和熏香味道的公寓楼。
- The online chemical cleaning practice in the circulating cooling water system for production of salt nuder vacuum is reported. 摘要介绍了真空制盐循环冷却水系统在正常运行状态下,采用全无机复合清洗药剂进行不停车清洗的方案及实施效果。
- A successful experience of chemical cleaning was introduced. And the researches into the properties of molasses in inhibitor for pickling was given. 介绍了高炉化学清洗的成功经验;并对糖厂废蜜的酸洗缓蚀性能进行初步探讨.
- And the application of glycollic acid in the fields of chemical cleaning, auxiliaries and materials were introduced in detail. 并对羟基乙酸在化学清洗、助剂和材料等方面的应用进行了详细的介绍。
- Triphosgene has rapidly emerged as an important green chemical product in recent years.It is synthesized by photo-catalyzed chlorination of dimethyl carbonate. 固体光气是近年来迅速发展的绿色化工产品,主要通过碳酸二甲酯的光催化氯化反应合成,有四氯化碳溶剂法和碳酸二甲酯本体法工艺。
- Through the application of a heat exchanger and a district heating system pipe by the combination of chemical cleaning and physical cleaning. 通过对某换热器及某小区供暖系统管路的清洗实例,介绍了化学清洗与物理清洗应用技术。
- Chemical cleanness should be arranged in the professional company. 化学清洁应有使用单位进行。
- The present paper exemplifies the special role of some arrangements in the green chemical industry and contrasts it with other reactive routes in atom economy. 原子经济性是绿色化学中的一条重要原则,本文列举了一些重排反应在绿色化学工业中的地位和作用,并与其他的反应路线从原子经济性的角度进行了评述。
- By chemical cleaning process,the biuret scale and fouling of stripping tower were removed;and the operation is safe and high efficiency. 通过化学清洗彻底清除气提塔内的油垢、污垢等,使其安全、高效生产运行。
- Green chemistry is chemistry which protects the ecologic environment.Implementing green chemical experiment teaching is paiol attention to by each college gradually. 绿色化学是维护生态环境的化学,实施实验教学的绿色化正逐渐被各个学校所重视。