- green polishing wax 绿色抛光蜡
- Products were polishing wax, cloth round, Ma round, round nylon, cotton Busha round, winning products, trust and support. 产品分别有抛光腊,布轮,麻轮,尼龙轮,棉布沙轮,产品赢得客户信赖和支持。
- Special interior breaking technology is adopted to desolve wax on surface by quick penetration.It is very helpful for renew polishing wax. 采用内破技术和快速渗透溶解面蜡,清除顽渍和其它油状物,是重新上蜡的必要用品。
- The composition, consisting of hard and soft polishing agent, densifier, abrading agent and solvent, of a polishing wax for cars was analyzed by infraed spectra. 采用红外光谱法分析一种汽车上光蜡组成分,包括硬蜡和软蜡上光剂、增稠剂、研磨剂和溶剂。
- The worktable drives the workpiece to-and-fro linear movement, the workpiece is polished by rotary polishing wheel, the surface of the wheel with polishing wax or other materials. 工作台带动工件做往返直线运动,通过抛光主电机旋转带动抛光轮进行工件抛光,布轮表面使用抛光蜡或抛光剂作为抛光介质。
- Gnang Zhou Da Ming Polishing Wax Limited Company 广州大明抛光腊有限公司
- Prepration of Emulsified Polishing Wax for Leather Goods 皮革上光乳化蜡的研制
- Infrared spectra of the composition of a polishing Wax for cars 红外光谱法分析汽车上光蜡组成分
- Preparation of Polish Wax Emulsifier for Automobile and Ship 汽车船舶上光用乳化蜡的研制
- The Preparation of Spraying Polish Wax For Woody Floor 喷雾型地板上光蜡的研制
- Mr. Green spoke highly of our city. 格林先生很称赞我们的城市。
- I stood watching for the signal to change to green. 我站着等待交通信号转为绿灯。
- Mr Green is a professor in name but not in reality. 格林先生是徒有虚名的教授。
- The man whose right eye is blind is Mr. Green. 右眼瞎的那人是格林先生。
- Hello. worldwide flowers. Ers. Green speaking. 喂,这是世界花卉公司,我是格林太太。
- Are you going to get the house painted green? 你打算要把房子漆成绿色吗?
- The paper turned green as if by magic. 这纸魔术般地变成了绿色。
- The house was painted green outside. 这房子外部漆成绿色。
- This plant has green leaves throughout the year. 这种植物终年常青。
- The green fields came into sight. 一片绿色的田野展现在眼前。