- Analysis of Effect of Physiological Factors on Seed Setting Rate of Two-Line Hybrid Rice with Grey Correlation Methods 应用灰色关联度分析影响两系杂交稻结实率的生理因素
- Application of Grey Correlation Method for Stratigraphic Correlation and Its Improvements 灰色关联法在地层对比中的应用及其改进
- grey correlation methods 灰色关联方法
- Grey correlation method 灰色关联法
- Methods Based on statistical data of Shaanxi Province from 1999 to 2004, the grey correlation degree analysis is used. 方法基于陕西省1999-2004年的统计数据,运用灰色系统理论中的相对关联度分析方法。
- The rheologic model of three-phase foam drilling fluid can be optimized with grey correlation analysis method. 三相泡沫钻井液流变模式可通过灰色关联分析法进行优选。
- The component factor of yield of 4-isopropylphenyl boronic acid was analyzed with the analysis method of grey correlation agree. 应用灰色系统理论中的关联度分析法对4-异丙基苯硼酸的产率构成因素进行了关联度分析。
- The component factor of yield of 4-isopropyiphenyl boronic acid was analyzed with the analysis method of grey correlation agree. 摘要应用灰色系统理论中的关联度分析法对4-异丙基苯硼酸的产率构成因素进行了关联度分析。
- A combined method to evaluate the road transport terminal distribution was proposed based on analytic hierachy process(AHP), data envelope analysis(DEA), and grey correlation evaluation(GCE). 提出了一种基于层次分析法(AHP)、数据包络分析(DEA)和灰色关联评价的道路运输站场布局评价方法。
- It is testified that the method of grey correlation analysis and the method of variable weighted sorting are adaptive and maneuverable in the process of highway network programming scheme's selection. 评价实例表明,灰关联分析法与变权排序法对于公路网规划方案比选问题具有较好的适用性和可操作性。
- A combined method to evaluate the road transport terminal distribution was proposed based on analytic hierachy process (AHP), data envelope analysis (DEA), and grey correlation evaluation (GCE). 摘要提出了一种基于层次分析法(AHP)、数据包络分析(DEA)和灰色关联评价的道路运输站场布局评价方法。
- Both common indexes and SHRP indexes of the asphalts have been tested, and their grey correlation was obtained. 对于沥青的低温性能做了常规低温指标的检验及SHRP方法的评价,并将常规指标与SHRP指标进行了灰关联分析,得到了二者的相关关系;
- Keywords Irrigation scheme;Comprehensive evaluation;Indicators;Weight;APH;Entropy method;Grey correlative method;Principal component analysis;Cluster analysis;Grad scale-up method.; 灌区;综合评价;指标;权重;层次分析法;熵值法;灰色关联法;主成分分析;聚类分析;拉开档次法;
- Range of grey correlation degree from high to low was plant height, effective pod numbers, seeds per legumen, 1000-seeds weight and effective branches. 不同海拔下各经济性状与产量关联度的变幅由大到小依次为:植株高度、有效角果数、每角粒数、千粒重和有效分枝。
- Detect Ventricular Late Potentials Using Filter Bank and Correlation Method. 应用滤波器组相关法去噪以检测心室晚电位。
- It was integrated of Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), grey correlation analysis, grey statistics and fuzzy judgment. 文中介绍了它的原理,给出它的构成方法;
- Firstly,this paper put forward the Definition of a new correlation degree based on the fuzzy nearness and the grey correlation degree. 首先结合灰色系统和模糊数学的有关理论,提出了基于模糊贴近度和灰关联度耦合的新关联度定义。
- Applying the method of grey correlative analysis,the correlation of drought resistance of 3 species and 9 drought resistance indexes was analyzed. 运用灰色关联分析法,对3个树种的抗旱性与9项抗旱指标的相关性进行了分析。
- Analysis of grey correlative degree on main traits of Brassica napus L. 甘蓝型油菜主要性状间的灰色关联度分析。
- Based on the faulty signals collected from our rotor test rig, the grey correlation analysis was studied for vibration fault diagnose of steam turbine shaft system. 摘要以汽轮机轴系典型振动故障模拟试验为基础,利用灰关联分析理论对汽轮机轴系振动故障的识别进行了研究。