- grind spectacle lens 研磨镜片
- In this paper, model of aspherisation for higher-dioptry spectacle lens is investigated. 本文研究高屈光度眼用透镜消除离轴像散的非球面化模式。
- We discuss the sources of the measurement uncertainties of standard equipment for spectacle lens(lens) center transmittance and analyze each components of uncertainty. 重点讨论了眼镜片(透镜)中心透射比标准测量装置测量不确定度的来源,详细分析各不确定度分量的评定。
- Glass blanks of photochromic spectacle lens GB/T9105-1988光致变色玻璃眼镜片毛坯
- High order aspherical spectacle lens design 高次非球面眼镜片设计
- Aberration Analysis and Optical Design of Aspheric Spectacle Lens 非球面眼镜片的像差分析和设计
- Methods of anti fogging agent test for spectacle lens 眼镜用防水汽剂试验方法
- to grind the spectacle lens 磨片
- The celebrations provided a magnificent spectacle. 庆祝活动呈现一派宏伟的景象。
- I need a holiday as a relief from the daily grind. 我需要休假以摆脱单调的日常工作。
- He is assigned a room on the grind floor. 他分配到底层一间房子。
- This lens can magnify 20 diameter. 这个透镜能放大20倍。
- I need to buy new spectacle frames. 我需要买一副新的眼镜架。
- It won't grind down any finer than this. 不能磨得比这个再细了。
- The children took in the spectacle open-mouthed. 孩子们张着嘴注视精彩表演。
- He loses his balance and fall to the grind. 他失去平衡,摔倒在地。
- Some adjustment of the lens may be necessary. 可能有必要调节一下镜头。
- Ophthalmic optics -- Spectacle lenses -- Vocabulary 眼科光学,眼镜镜片。词汇
- God's mill grind slow, but sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
- Do you have soft contact lens care product? 有没有软性隐型眼镜保养用品?