- A vial or round long-necked vessel for laboratory use. 烧瓶实验用的一种小瓶或长颈容器
- Your family's been in this mill for a long time. 你们一家子在这个厂里干了好多年了。
- Need used Bloom Mill for Asian Area delivery. 亚洲地区需要旧锻造块料轧机。
- Responsible for Laboratory RCA registry. 负责实验室RCA的记录和跟踪.
- The mixture is homogenized in a ball mill for 15 minutes. 混合物在球磨机中均化混合15分钟。
- Elevation view drawing for laboratory casework configuration. 实验室柜体侧面图。
- Every morning you must bring your sputum for laboratory tests. 每天早晨用一个盒接痰,拿去化验。
- A vial or round long - necked vessel for laboratory use. 烧瓶实验用的一种小瓶或长颈容器
- It's quite common to deal with crack by welding in repair of kiln and grind mill. 在回转窑和磨机的修理中,用焊接的方法处理开裂问题是相当普遍的。
- One of a pair of cylindrical stones used in a mill for grinding grain. 磨石磨坊中碾磨谷物用的一对圆柱形石块之一
- Technical modernization of pulverized coal preparation system with medium-speed grinding mill for 2500m3 BF at Maanshan Iron & Steel Co 马钢2500m~3高炉中速磨制粉系统的技术改造
- A strong, pressurized, steam-heated vessel, as for laboratory experiments, sterilization, or cooking. 高压灭菌器,高压锅一种用于实验室实验、灭菌或烧煮的高压加热蒸气作用的容器
- For laboratory, evaluation has a great role in promoting the development of experiment teaching. 对实验室来说,评估对实验教学的发展有很大程度的促进作用。
- A ball-stirring mill for preparing super-fine powder in laboratory was developed. Its basic structure,working principle, characteristics and the case of the experiment were introduced. 描述了所研制的适合于实验室使用的超细粉体搅拌球磨机,介绍了基本结构、工作原理、性能特点及其试验案例。
- A ball-stirring mill for preparing super-fine powder in laboratory was developed. Its basic structure, working principle, characteristics and the case of the experiment were introduced. 摘要描述了所研制的适合于实验室使用的超细粉体搅拌球磨机,介绍了基本结构、工作原理、性能特点及其试验案例。
- God's mill grind slow, but sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。
- A Semi-Autogenous Grinding Mill features a reduced ball charge, normally in the 8% to 15% charge volume range. 半自磨的特点是大大减少了球的用量,一般占总体积的8%25-15%25。
- Grinding milling cutter, reamer, broach and other cutting tools. 铣刀、铰刀、拉刀和其它刀具。
- In this paper,a method of fuzzy discernment is used to study the rotor's troubl diagnesis on superfine grinding mill. 应用模糊识别方法对超细粉碎机转子系统的冲击碰磨故障进行了分析。
- And as for laboratory studies,he says that results are much different in a test tube or a rat than they are in humans. 关于试验,他谈到试管内或老鼠实验的结果跟在人体上的结果大相径庭。